Page 4 of Fighting Rosemary

“You got it, Prez.” I grunt, coming off my bar stool and head in search of Vulture.

We’d picked this building for the very reason of its massive space. There are enough rooms for all of us to have one. Two of the rooms are designated for the clubwhores, granted we don’t have any of those around just yet. Viper and Cyprus wanted to get the clubhouse organized before allowing them to come around.

I get it, but damn, if it doesn’t make this a headache when I want to get my dick wet. Well, not that hard, I can go to one of the clubs in town and find easy pussy, but it ain’t the same.

My cell rings in my pocket, and I yank it out to find Wrecker, our other prospect, calling. We have him manning the gate right now. Swiping a finger over the screen, I answer. “What is it?”

“We got a couple men out here, demanding entrance. One of ’em says his name’s Big.”

“Fuck,” I snarl, look to where I’d left Viper, and jerk my chin. “Let ’em in.” Closing the phone, I stalk back toward Viper and Jade. “We’ve got company.”

“Shit,” Viper mutters. “Get Vulture and Cyprus in here now.”

“On it.” Nodding, I find Cyprus’s number and call him while heading toward where Vulture has all his shit set up. I quickly tell Cyprus to get here and grab Vulture from in front of his computers. The rest of the club are out with Cyprus, so they’ll be with him when he gets here.

With Vulture in tow, I make my way back to the common room, ignoring Vulture’s demands to know what’s going on. He’ll find out soon enough.

Just as we step into the room, the doors open, and several men of the Reckless Souls MC step into the clubhouse. It doesn’t take a genius to know which one’s Big or Cobra. They both have the same eyes as Rosemary.

“I’m guessing Jade’s told you all that we were coming,” Big states, stepping forward.

“We only just found out who you are.” Viper nods, putting Jade behind him. “You should’ve just called. We’d have gladly told you anything you wanted about your daughter.”

“My daughter’s been missing, and we had to hear about it through rumors.” Big sneers and glances around the room.

“What do you know about my sister?” Cobra demands, moving to stand next to his dad.

“I’m sorry,” Jade whispers, her voice trembling. “I didn’t tell them until now. Rosemary and I made a promise, and I didn’t know what to do. It’s been months, and she made me swear a long time ago never to mention it. To keep it a secret like it were government top secret.”

“Sweetheart,” Big grunts, “I know my daughter. She’s just like her mother. Strong-willed and stubborn.”

“A damn pain in my ass,” Cobra mutters. “Always was and always will be. Now, what avenues have you looked to find her?”

Viper takes the next few minutes to inform them that there’s nothing to go on. She’s a ghost, and we can’t place her anywhere. Vulture also explains what he’s doing and that he’s tracking.

“Whatever happened to her, it’s not good,” Big announces as the rest of my brothers make their way inside, Cyprus moving to stand on Viper’s other side.

“What makes you think that?” I ask.

“Because, we left my sister alone for so long because we were able to track her. Whatever is happening, they’ve either found the tracker embedded in or they’re blocking it somehow,” Cobra explains, leveling me with a glare.

“Do you have any idea who would have taken her?” The question passes my lips before I can hold it back.

Cobra eyes me closely, narrowing them accusingly. “What’s my sister to you?”

“Nothing,” I grunt, cross my arms, and refuse to let him get to me.

Rosemary is just a woman I had a one-night stand with. She’s Jade’s best friend. The two of them are close as family. Who the fuck am I kidding. Rosemary has haunted me from the moment I showed her the door. I want her back in my bed, and I know it, but I’m not ready to admit it.

“I don’t think it’s nothing,” Big remarks, eyeing me closely as well, his jaw twitching. “You got that look in your eye.”

I ignore the comment. “Do you know something or not?”

Cobra steps closer to me, getting nose to nose. “Yeah, we’ve heard something. It’s one of the reasons we’re in Mississippi. There are rumors of a death match club, and they have a female champion.”

“Oh my God.” Jade gasps.

My stomach tightens. With all the human sex trafficking our club’s been dealing it, it didn’t occur that it could be another reason she’d be taken. But who the hell would take her?