But he’s just slightly off, and the nine bounces off the corner of the pocket without going in.

Leaving a perfect shot for me.

“Thanks, Zach,” I tease. “And what item of clothing are you going to give me?”

With a snort, he unbuckles his sword from his hips and kneels to playfully offer it up to me.

“So very noble for a pirate,” I praise, accepting it and setting it aside.

Then I lean over the table, and rising onto my toes, I tap the last ball into its pocket for an easy win. A chorus of praise follows, the men each congratulating me, and a bubble of anticipation rises in my chest as they all seem to draw closer instinctually.

“Well deserved. You did do most of the work, after all,” Luke jokes.

“So, who’s it to be, lass?” Cilian asks. “Who will you be kissing, then?”

Pressing a finger to my lips, I consider each of them. “I choose all of you,” I say playfully.

Tension charges the air as the three men exchange glances.

Then Cilian shrugs, breaking the sudden stillness. “Rules are rules,” he says with a devilish grin.

My heart skips a beat as he steps forward, closing the distance between us to hook a finger under my chin. Intelligent green eyes peer down at me with untamed excitement, and he leans in slowly. The oxygen vanishes from the room as he prolongs the moment, lingering over my lips until they part with anticipation.

Then he presses a scintillating kiss over my mouth. My eyelids sink closed as his tongue strokes between my teeth in a playful and entirely too provocative way. Heat radiates from my core as my oldest crush blows my mind. Damn, Cilian can kiss, and now I’m hooked.

Strong fingers comb into my hair, awakening a tingling relief across my scalp and down my spine. And then Cilian’s lips leave mine. My eyes flutter open as I suddenly realize the hand cradling the back of my head doesn’t belong to the playboy Irishman.

Deep-blue eyes peer down at me as Luke gives me a smoldering smile. Wow, he’s beautiful. And when his lips find mine, he kisses me with a possessive strength that makes me melt against his bare chest.

I’m breathless when he releases me, his one hand lingering on my hip even as he steps aside to give Zach his turn. My dad’s oldest friend studies me with fathomless eyes, their dark depths a well of perceptive emotion.

One hand cups my cheek, and he brushes the pad of his thumb across my lower lips as he peers deep into my soul. Then his full lips press against mine in the most tender caress.

A moan escapes me as fingers brush aside several strands of hair and hot lips close on the sensitive flesh behind my ear. I’ve never made out with more than one guy at a time, but I’m suddenly craving the experience with an overpowering desire.

Resting my hand over Luke’s fingers that still press gently against my hip, I silently tell him I want him to stay. Then I reach up with my free hand to take the pirate hat and wig from Zach’s head.

Behind me, I can feel Cilian’s body heat as he continues to nibble and suck on my neck. In the back of my mind, I know he could easily be leaving incriminating evidence behind. But I don’t care. These three men are gorgeous specimens, and I want to thoroughly enjoy each. A hickey? I know how to hide one.

“You boys ever tried a foursome?” I ask breathily when I finally come up for air.

Luke releases a low chuckle. “I don’t recall that being part of the game,” he says.

Stomach knotting with excitement, I give a shrug. “You only live once.”

“I always knew I liked you,” Cilian murmurs beside my ear.

I widen my eyes at Zach, willing him to say yes because, after having him kiss me like that, I don’t want him to stop. Without the pirate wig, I can see his salt-and-pepper curls, and as good as he looks as Jack Sparrow, he’s even more handsome with his real haircut.

He doesn’t answer me right away. Instead, he takes a step back, and my heart sinks. Not only is he leaving, but he’s also doing it without a word. For a brief moment, I start to panic as he heads toward the door.What if he’s going to tell my father?

Then he pauses, his fingers hovering over the handle before he throws the deadbolt in place.

“Welcome to the party, Zach,” Luke says mildly. “I think the single life is doing you some good.”

Zach snorts. Then he stalks forward, his eyes intense as they openly appraise my body for the first time. He reaches for the nape of his neck and pulls the billowing pirate shirt up over his head and shoulders before tossing it aside.

How are these men all so incredibly fit?