Page 8 of Drag Me Down

Chuckling, he snatches a set of keys from a hook on the small fridge and tilts his head. “Follow me.”

He sets a brisk pace across the parking lot. I nearly trip rushing after him. He gives a wave to his bandmates, and I pick out Liam from the night at the bar and my trip down the internet wormhole. Liam tips his chin up in greeting. I manage an awkward hand lift back at him, flushing with heat as the others turn to examine me while I struggle to catch up to Hail.

The headlights of a parked Audi blink ahead of us, and I look between Hail’s keys and the black car.

“Wait, we’re not actually leaving, are we?”

“That a problem?”

I stop in my tracks, thoroughly confused by the company I’ve acquired. He lifts a brow at me, then moves to open the passenger door. “You gonna stand there and gape at me forever? Cause I’m kind of in a hurry to get you all to myself.”




Molten eyes rove over me, rich like caramel in the sunlight. Am I reading too much into this, or could Hail Koval be checking me out right now over the top of his rental car? Did I not sleep enough? Iknowfor a fact I didn’t sleep well. Is this a hallucination? A hostile takeover of my depraved imagination?

Part of my struggle is that I overthink in these types of situations. Is he just being nice? Is this my brain projecting my desires onto someone not actually interested? Could he be teasing me?

Biting my lip, I move past him and slide into the leather passenger seat. My nose wrinkles as the overpowering scent of winter pine air freshener cleanses out my sinuses.

When I get buckled in, my eyes flick to the time.Shit. I have a show in a couple of hours. Should I mention it? I really should be mentally prepping. I should be in my house writing songs and stressing about bills and wallowing in self-hatred.

Hail’s fucking with my entire schedule.

When he slides in next to me, so close I can feel the warmth of his strong body, I forget everything but my desire to be touched by him.

After rummaging around, Hail retrieves a pair of sunglasses out of the centre console. He snorts. “You fucking prick. Armani sunglasses, Liam? Don’t mind if I do.” He slides them on and revs the engine. Then we’re tearing down the gravel exit road like he’s Dom fromFast & The Furiousout for revenge.

He drums his fingers on the steering wheel as we approach the small market town of Melbourne where brick buildings nestle along the curving road we follow.

Coyly, Hail peeks over at me. “Shit. I feel like I should have asked for your consent or something. Do you consent to hanging out with me?”

I’m utterly speechless, still trying to figure out how to navigate this situation I’ve found myself in, and all because I had to see him again.

He wants to talk to me. He wants to spend time with me.Those thoughts send a little shiver of elation through me. The toxic part of my brain screams in response,Shut it the fuck down. You have no right to ever feel this way again.

“Z, can you verbalise something for me before I feel like a kidnapper? My brain is literally melting down after playing two shows in less than twenty-four hours.” There’s a hint of desperation in his tone, a contradiction to the confidence he exudes.

My brows shoot skyward.I’m the one that paid 231 pounds to come stare at you in person.

“I can. I do. I mean, yes. I want to be here,” I stammer, fingers curling into my trousers over my thighs.

Good job, brain. Smooth.

His laugh is low and sensual, instantly jolting my dick awake. It strains against my zipper, and I adjust myself as soon as he looks out his side window for a second. This is rapidly spiraling out of control.

Hail whips us into a tight parking spot beside a cafe with broad windows and light blue painted trim. I trail him inside the eclectic shop, my features scrunched in utter confusion. The smell of roasted coffee beans and flaky pastries hit us, and Hail tips his head back, eyes closing on a groan. I run my tongue over my bottom lip as I imagine trailing my mouth up the column of his throat.

I break my gaze away before I’m left with a very visible boner I won’t be able to fix in public.

This is not a date, dick. You hear me?

Heads turn toward us, anyway, because how could they not? Hail makes his own rules for the universe, and they include enslaving attention. Regardless of how good he looks, we’re both dressed to make a scene, decked out in all black. My hair is the longest it’s ever been, dark locks dangling into my eyes and around my ears.

Hail orders two teas, two bottles of water, and one of each dessert in the glass display case.