Page 62 of Drag Me Down

My chin lowers, my gaze dropping to my fingers picking at the chipping black polish Hail painted on my nails.

“I’m not trying to make you feel a certain way. Just trying to get some answers,” Liam explains.

I swallow. “I don’t know. Maybe.”

“Someone hurt you? That guy in the lobby?” Liam asks, leaning in closer. The sleeves over his biceps lift up enough for me to catch the wordAgonyinked into his skin above something that looks like a demon.

I shake my head.No, I’m the wielder of all pain.

“You witness something you shouldn’t?” he tries again.

“My brother drowned.” I lick my lips and force the words from my mouth. “He was already dead when I found him. He was… messed up, and I left him alone.”

Liam sighs and runs a hand over the stubble along his jawline. “Did you ask him to take those drugs?”

My chest is heaving with effort to draw in enough air. “No, but he was just a kid. He needed a better role model than me.”

Liam nods. He’s glorious to admire, I’ll admit, but I practically feel the permafrost at his core. There’s something faulty with Liam, just as much as there is with me. A darkness that knows no limits.

“I watched my father drink himself to death,” Liam begins slowly. “He couldn’t cope with life, and beating the shit out of me day in and day out didn’t make him feel any better.”

My eyes flit back up to meet his.Fucking hell.

Liam breaks our stare first, tugging a business card from his wallet. He slides it across the table. “I’ve got a professional therapist I talk to on the regular. As much as I fought it for years, she really did help.”

My throat tightens as I stare down at the card. I’ve avoided therapy, partially because I didn’t want this pain to be gone. I didn’t want to feel happy, but mainly because speaking about Lex’s death would give it more finality in my brain.

“Hail would be devastated by the amount of shit you pulled today. Do you understand?” Liam asks, his tone firm.

Ah, there it is. Liam’s loyalty to Hail is admirable. And here I am, a threat to Hail’s happiness.

Unable to produce sound, I simply nod.

“Promise me you’ll give her a call. Promise me, or I cannot sign off on this thing you have with Hail. I cannot allow you to remain here with us.”

I know on some level Liam does care about me, but that’s not what my brain hears.Agree to therapy or you’re fired.

“Okay,” I whisper, picking up the card.

I’ll do him one better and save everyone the trouble.

This time I’ll disappear for good.



Gettingheldupbythe cops is just about the worst thing to happen in my life. I’ve never been one to disrespect authority—metalheads are actually pretty big sweethearts—but after disclosing about the assault on Z, I verbalize my need to give chase.

Okay, so a couple of “do your fucking jobs” were thrown out there, accompanied by some shoving, which resulted in warnings about handcuffs and a night in jail.

Not my proudest moment. But Z’s alone and hurting. I know he doesn’t want me. That doesn’t mean I’m going to give up on him.

After assuring the guy who attacked Z is taken away in cuffs, Liam and I split up, combing the streets outside the hotel. I wind up drifting about two miles south before I decide to cut back and try another route. He couldn’t have gone far on foot.

After an hour of what feels like aimless wandering, I head back to the hotel. I pace between the lobby and Z’s door when a text comes through from Liam.He’s in my room safe. I’m headed out to pick up some dinner.

My feet can’t carry me up the stairs fast enough as I fire off a response.Why didn’t you call me sooner?