Page 43 of Drag Me Down

“Good. And you like it when I take you into my mouth?” I lower between his knees and bob most of the way down his dick.

He moans in approval. “Yes.”

I suction as hard as I can when I rise back up, swirling my tongue over his tip. I don’t have a lot of experience with this, but I’ll make up for it with effort.

“Ughhh.” He trembles beneath me. I have never felt more powerful than in this moment. Screw manipulating the emotions of hundreds of thousands of fans. Here is where I reign supreme, with Z underneath me, driven to the edge as I pleasure him.

I fumble for the lube I set on the nightstand, slicking both of our dicks in my hand. It doesn’t take long before we’re both crushing our bodies together, chasing something neither of us is going to get. I want his whole heart and he just wants to be whole.

My forehead rests on his as I reach my limit, slowing the roll of my hips as pressure builds and builds at the base of my spine. Muscles spasm, and then I’m unloading warm strands of cum onto his stomach.

I take his dick in both hands and work him in tandem until his release shoots up onto his chest.Jesus, that’s hot.

“Hail,” he murmurs, tipping his head back as he rides out his orgasm.

He. Is. Destroying. Me.

I plop my body down on his, bracing some of my weight on my forearms and knees, unconcerned about the cum sticking us together.

We lay there until the credits for the movie roll. Proceeding to shower all over again, this time in steaming water, we make out some more, though neither of us has the energy to take things further.

Then I tuck him into bed beside me and watch him fall asleep on my bicep.

I can’t let him go, even after our tour is over. But how do I get him to stay with me when it feels like he’s got one foot in the grave?




Cold. Expansive. Deadly. Floating in its turbulent, unforgiving body, I swim for land. I swim and swim and swim, but I never get closer. Never escape the waves that crash over me.

If there is a god, he gets off on torture.

Hail crawls out of bed too fucking early, planting a quick kiss on the corner of my mouth. We don’t talk about what happened the night before, and I have no interest in being alive at this unholy hour on one of our rare days that set up doesn’t start until late morning. So I roll back over and try to fall into a nightmare-less sleep.

When I finally make up my mind to stop being lazy and work on songs instead, I peel my sore body out of bed. Thank god my head no longer feels bogged down.

Dressed in black joggers and a clean white t-shirt, I float down to breakfast to find Atonement and their crew destroying the buffet line. Hotel staff can’t keep enough food out to satisfy their hunger, and I notice Liam slipping them tips for the hassle.

“Okay, but if a bear charged in here right now, right this fucking minute, you’re telling me you think you could escape uninjured?” Malek’s huddled over his stack of pancakes, his attention focused on Griff.

Griff rubs both hands over his stubbled head. “Absolutely, dude. I’d jump up on that counter and shimmy into the air return, then caterpillar my way the fuck right out of here. No problem.”

Liam snorts. “Okay, Mission Impossible.”

“I don’t need your sass, Liam. I was up most of the night listening to you pound into that fangirl through the thin wall.” Griff stuffs his mouth with eggs.

Liam stretches back in his chair. “Much more enjoyable than plotting bear escapes, in my opinion.”

Griff snaps his head back to Malek. “Anywho. Your plan for surviving inevitable bear attacks should one break through that window?”

Malek scoffs, waving his fork around with a chunk of pancake on it. “Easy. I’d ninja star those ceramic plates at its face. Then I’d pull out one of those buffet pans and start banging on it. Bears hate loud noises.”

“Wouldn’t that just piss it off?” Hail chimes in, running a hand down his content stomach. I’m too stunned by this rapid, high-energy exchange to do anything more than sip at a cup of tea and pick at some toast and glance over at Liam to gauge how pissed he is at me for my inexcusable absence at the venue last night.

“Y’all’s conversations baffle me. Is this the shit that circulates the male brain all day?” Sondra butts in, spearing a piece of fruit.