Page 39 of Drag Me Down


Hopewithersinmychest as I pace by Z’s hotel door, frantically checking my phone to make sure he hasn’t texted me or called me back after several attempts to reach him.

What the hell happened? I thought the song would be a good surprise. Thought he’d be moved by it. I worked hard on the melody, certain I’d gotten it right.

Did someone upset him during the show? If Z needs me to go after somebody, I’ll fucking do it. I’m not an angry person, but when it comes to him, I don’t know that there’s anything I wouldn’t do to keep his shattered pieces somewhat intact.

Liam catches me on my thirtieth lap up and down the halls. Calming my racing heart, I shoot for a laid back expression as I give him a little nod. “Sup.”

“You trying to wear a path in the carpet?” he asks, eyes drifting to the number on the wall beside Z’s door.

“Just…couldn’t sleep. Too amped up after tonight’s performance.”

“Have you talked to him?” Liam asks, crossing his arms and leaning against his door.

My shoulders droop on a heavy sigh. “No, not yet. You’re not going to fire him, are you?”

“With him ditching out on a show like that? Normally, I would. I’ve dropped techs for less.”

My forehead bangs against Z’s door. “I know.Fuck.”

This is my fault for pressuring Z into this situation. It has to be my fault. He wouldn’t even be here if not for me. I hope he didn’t assume I was upset with him last night. I was just worried about him, that’s all.

“Cora tracked me down and told me Z hasn’t been feeling well. She had to carry extra weight to cover for him, but she wouldn’t have done that if she didn’t care about him. He’s earned respect among the crew. So no, I’m not going to fire him tonight.”

All I can do is nod and sniffle. When my gaze cuts back to Liam, he rubs at his jaw. “Look, Hail—“

Here it comes. Typical Liam lecture full of logic and wisdom, and I don’t fucking want it. I don’t.

“I’m not going to tell you how to live your life. You’re a grown ass man. But that guy? He’s haunted. I would hate to see you get dragged down into a bad place because of him.”

I open my mouth, ready to go to bat for Z, but Liam cuts in. “Not that he would intentionally hurt you. I just… want you to think carefully about what you’re doing. For your sake and his.”

Terror grips me. Part of me wants to lash out that he doesn’t know a thing, but Liam lost his father to alcoholism after surviving a childhood of abuse. It’s why he still can’t seem to settle into a healthy relationship, only chasing sex from strangers.

If anyone has an eye for monsters invisible to the rest of us, it’s Liam.

“Just be careful with your heart, okay? You’ve got a good one,” he says, vanishing into his room. The click of the door kick starts my worried heart into overdrive again.

Still at war with myself about what to do to help, I stride up to Z’s door and bang on it. A few unsteady breaths later, no answer.

The worst case scenarios play out in my head, ushering me down the stairwell at lightning speed because the elevator was too fucking slow.

I reach the front desk and demand a replacement key. Both rooms are booked under my name, so guest services hands one over, and then I’m bounding back up the stairs.

Swiping the key over the lock, I barge into Z’s room. Darkness greets me. Not even a glow from a TV. I hear the shower running, but no light shines out from under the door. Dread convinces me that I’ll find him in a state like I did in his house in London.

“Z?” I call out, my pulse thundering as I knock on the bathroom door.

No response. Holding my breath, I slowly turn the handle and flick on the hallway switch. Light bleeds into the bathroom, illuminating Z curled up on the damp tiles, drenched and trembling.

What. The. Fuck.

I rush over to him, my knees smacking down on the tiles. My heart slams against my ribs, convinced I’m about to lose him for good. Which isn’t fucking fair because I just found him.

Brushing curls out of his eyes, I confirm that he’s awake and aware of his surroundings. Silent tears leak down his face.

“Z.” My voice tremors. “What is going on with you?” I cradle him against me, striving to bleed life and warmth back into his cold, wet body. “You’ve gotta talk to me, okay? Just… just tell me what’s wrong.”