Page 30 of Drag Me Down

“Yeah, she’s got that same fucking beautiful soul, too,” Liam mumbles. Then he sighs, his head turning toward the back of the bus as sadness reflects in his dark eyes.

My brows knead together. “You’re very protective of him.”

A question, though I’ve only seen Liam with women, and I know for a fact Hail’s dipping his feet into unknown waters with me.

“He’s been the only person in my life I can trust,” Liam answers, his gaze meeting mine with enough intensity to liquify my bones. “When you witness darkness, you tend to be lured to the light. He is my light.”

I nod, picking up on the underlying meaning of his words. His warning.

Focus on work. Focus on work.

Liam pushes off the counter and tosses his empty water bottle away. “You need help getting him in his bunk?”

My head lowers to Hail. “I think I’ll stay like this for a while longer.”

Without another word, Liam vanishes, leaving me with very mottled feelings about our conversation, mostly because now I’m even more worried about corrupting the soul that Liam guards so fiercely.




This thought shoots a thrill through my veins until I’m nearly buzzing, as Z and I find ourselves alone on the tour bus for the first time in days.

He’s put in long afternoons and evenings trailing the backline crew and religiously studying Liam’s playing. Guitars are always polished to a blinding shine and restrung with care. But that’s not surprising. Z’s toured before, enough to know to keep anoh shitcable on stat.

Liam murmured praise to him last night after our show, and I swear I saw Z stand an inch taller.

The time apart has allowed me space to sift through my feelings as I try to figure out what’s happening between us. I want to make sure I’m not just experimenting with him. I don’t want to hurt him.

But I keep coming back to a place of raw need when I see a text from him or glimpse him running around backstage or giving me shy smiles from the sidelines during our performances.

God, don’t get me started on what he does to my pulse when I see him sporting band merch. His Atonement beanie over those wild, dark locks? Yeah, I’m into that.

I need his company. I need his kisses. I think I need more, and I haven’t felt that way since my ex took a sledgehammer to my heart.

I never thought I would consider something serious with someone again after that relationship went up in hellfire. All the effort I pumped into that woman. All the money spent on combining our lives only to find out she’d been sharing itandour bed with her boss.

Dropping onto the couch next to Z as he crouches over his notebook, scribbling away, I soak in his profile. I don’t have the right words to describe what he does to me internally, only that I feel buoyant. Weightless. Content.

“Is this part of the contract? Getting to watch me work?” Z murmurs, dipping his chin. His hair lifts up slightly to reveal the smooth column of his neck. Blood rushing low in my body, I can’t help but lean over and press my mouth to it. I linger there, running the tip of my nose across his skin. He smells like clean soap with a hint of vanilla.

I groan. It’s not enough. I want to taste him. Taking his notebook from his hand, I toss it onto the table across the bus.

“That’s not going—”

With one hand, I turn his head to capture his mouth with my own. Oh god, yeah, I like this too much. It takes a few quick heartbeats before Z’s kissing me back. He sinks into my touch. I shift our bodies until we’re half laid out on the couch, me between his parted legs. My hips pressing against him. My dick straining for more as I rock my hips and stroke my tongue against his.

“Is this too much?” I rasp, dragging my lips down his jaw and back to his neck.

The door to the bus opens, and I rip myself from his body. Z straightens up and rakes his fingers through his messy hair. His lips are red from me punishing them, and there’s a clear hickey near his collar. I reach out to adjust his shirt higher as Malek and Griff climb on.

“Yeah, but, like… if an alien took you, they would just zap your mind to forget. We could all be walking around with implants or some shit and not even know it,” Malek carries on, oblivious to what was just occurring. Thank god we had the curtains over the windows drawn or we might have made a very public display of my newest obsession.

“Let’s file away alien talk for when I’m drunk, alright?” Griff answers. He turns to us, and I lift a hand, trying to hide my irritation at having been interrupted. How far would I have taken things if we’d been left alone longer?

“What’s good, boys?” Griff calls out, opening the fridge to grab a beer. He drops onto the couch next to me and grabs the remote. “You all just sitting in the dark?”