“Yeah, forever. Though Liam can be pretty antisocial. He comes and goes as he pleases, but he’s always there for me when it matters most.”
My brother was that for me. No one else has come close to filling that role.
The wait staff brings my chicken beurre blanc and Hail’s shepherd’s pie. He watches me take a bite, eyes wide in wonder.
My chuckle is low. “Would you like some?”
“It just looks so good. We could, like… split?” He pushes his plate toward me and we end up dividing up our meals.
We chat about our favourite cities to visit, all the little unknown places we discovered. I’m transfixed as he gets into enthusiastic detail about an off-the-grid castle he and the band explored on their first tour of Ireland that sparked inspiration for lyrics to one of their most popular songs.
Then we craft outrageous tales for the people in the restaurant. By some miracle, I make Hail shoot Coke out of his nose when I create a whole CIA backstory for sunglasses guy in a Hawaiian button-up sitting at the bar.
“Jesus, I haven’t done that since I was a kid.” He wipes at his face, head shaking in disbelief.
Watching him in awe, I realise this is my first outing with a friend. Not a bandmate. Not a schoolmate. Not a fan. There are no expectations. No desire to numb anything, either. It’s just me and Hail, and he seems happy to be in my company.
I could be fooling myself, though.
“Thank you for this,” I say, cheeks warming.
Hail’s smile grows to a blinding wattage. “Fuck, are there hearts in my eyes right now?”
The hot blood from my face floods through the rest of my body, and I have to drop my gaze to our cleaned plates.
After some debate over splitting the bill—he demands to pay since I bought our dinner in London—Hail takes my hand and leads me toward the door, just like he did that day in the cafe. More than a few pairs of eyes trail us, but I keep my focus on the back of his tan neck.
I need to put a stop to this, but the part of my brain that’s satisfied to let him lead is in charge today. Work technically doesn’t start until tomorrow. I can enjoy myself for one more day.
Out in the evening air, the sun paints the sky in beautiful streaks of fading rose gold and baby blue as it dips below the tree line. Hail walks me to the passenger door, something of a habit it seems. I’m curious to know what else I can come to expect from him.
Hail’s nose wrinkles as he fiddles with the car keys. “Fair warning, the other guys in the band can be a bit much. They’re extremely friendly. Just… like hyper.”
I nod, though I can’t help but rub my hand along the back of my neck. Slowly, Hail leans in and presses a gentle kiss to my cheek. My limbs freeze up as my pulse races.
“Sorry,” he whispers, but he stays hovering near the corner of my mouth.
I lick my lips, my heart lurching in my chest. I shouldn’t give in, but some invisible force pulls me closer to him.
“Don’t be,” I reply softly. Gripping the ends of my sleeves, I turn my head and meet his lips with my own.
He clams up, and panic unfurls in my chest.Fuck. What if he didn’t want that out in the open? What if he thought he was interested, but he’s had a change of heart? I told myself I would keep things professional. I’ve lasted all of what, a couple of days?
Hail pushes me against the side of the SUV. I grunt against his mouth in surprise as his hips pin me there. One hand moves to cradle my face as the other drops to my hip. His tongue sweeps along my bottom lip and pries me open. The little groan he unleashes awakens lust in me like I’ve never known, as we roll our tongues against each other.
He breaks away when we hear car doors shutting nearby, though he rests his forehead against mine. We’re both panting. I’m flushed from head to toe and a little dazed.
“Z, I need you to remove yourself from my hands before I take this too far.“
I lean in to press my mouth to his cheek, returning his sweet gesture that got us into this position in the first place, before I dip under his arm and break the sexual tension.
Swallowing, I reach for the car door. When I sink into the seat and buckle in, I tell myself that was the last time I’ll ever kiss Hail Koval. It has to be, no matter how much my wounded heart wants to shatter all over again at the thought.
Haildrivesustoa nearly empty parking lot at a golf course.