Once she was gone, Gray and I sat on the tiny porch of our tiny home, snuggled up next to each other. Dog-Dog was resting in my lap, lightly snoring.
“I didn’t think we’d ever get here,” I said. “That we’d get to have this. It still feels like a dream.”
He smiled at me, his eyes half-lidded with sleep. “Thank you for coming home to me.”
“Thanks for letting me come home,” I said. He wrapped an arm around me, holding me as close as he could. “Gray?”
“Yeah, baby?”
“Does it bother you? Us not believing in the same thing, I mean.”
He shook his head. “Your journey is yours. As long as I get to travel by your side, that’s more than okay with me.” His lips brushed against the side of my face. “If I’m wrong about it all, then we get to sleep side by side in that black abyss of yours for eternity.”
“And if I’m wrong?”
His face went serious, and he stared at the sky, almost in defiance. “Then I’ll tear the gates of Hell wide open, and I’ll carry you home.” Dog-Dog yawned and hopped up, heading for the front door. Gray reached behind me, resting one arm against my back and the other under my thighs. His knees popped as picked me up. “Ready to go home, Half-pint?”
This had been a death of sorts. The death of a lonely existence. The death of a future without him at my side. As I stared into his eyes, I saw no life flashes. No long-forgotten memories playing out in front of me like a movie. Instead, I saw a look of love so heavy, it left me breathless. It poured every word that had gone unspoken for twenty years directly into me. It filled me with hope and promise.
A promise of him.
The promise of us.
“I’m going to spend the rest of my life with you, Two-liter.”
The End