He clicks the speaker button on the phone, but Falcon has already started speaking. “…people in place for the day you three will be going to see Charming and Cinder. Kal mentioned something about a note? He sounded pretty fixated on it.”
“Cinder is keeping secrets it seems.” I sigh. “She had a note dropped for Silla, demanding that she meet her at the West entrance of the castle on Friday. I hate to impose, but we need eyes there.”
“There’s a groundskeeper who is sympathetic to the cause,” Falcon mutters. “What time is this happening?”
“Four in the afternoon, which is such an odd time,” Ayden says. “Wouldn’t there be a lot of people around?”
“They run their training exercises during that time,” Falcon explains. “It’s kind of ridiculous how predictable they are, but no one has ever gotten close enough to map out their schedule. All guards and soldiers will be there except a skeleton crew. I can make certain the groundskeeper is near enough to keep an eye on Silla. I wish I could help with someone who would be armed but—”
“I don’t think a guard or soldier would be helpful, and they’ll all be otherwise engaged. This is good,” Isaac says from across the room. “I need to send you a map of the castle with all of the secret passages. Don’t share this, and be careful who you speak to about what their roles are.”
“I agree with that,” Falcon says ruefully. “I met with each person on their own, discussed their role, and that was it. No one can have the entire plan just in case. The women who will be in the kitchens don’t even know that they’re handling poison. I merely told them to make sure no one tries the food once they slip the item into it. I don’t want this on their consciences, and there’s less likelihood of them getting caught. The nerves will be less despite how pivotal their role is.”
“Good man,” I praise him. Falcon is quiet for a moment, and I wonder if I broke him.
“Umm, yeah. So, that’s set. I’ll make sure Mistress is covered as well. Need anything else?” he asks uncomfortably.
I enjoy riling him up.
“Just one more thing. Are you still wearing the collar, Pet?” Sidney says in his most seductive voice.
Silence. “How the fuck does she get anything done with the five of you around?” Falcon asks, scandalized.
“Yeah, I think we may keep you,” Ayden snickers. “You’re fun. But for real… are you?”
“Yes,” Falcon whispers.
“Good boy,” the four of us chorus at the same time before grinning maniacally. Yeah, I guess we really are assholes, but I don’t care. Silla adores us, and Andrya is stuck with us for life.
“Fuck me,” Falcon mutters, hanging up.
“He’s kind of adorable,” Sidney says with a predatory smile. He may have found a new toy.
“Let’s see what Silla wants to do first,” I tell him with a smug smile. “She may decide that she has her hands full. We have a bit of a road to go with her.”
“We got hijacked tonight, but tomorrow I want to do a new version of my twenty questions that I used to play with her at the camp,” Ayden says. “It was the only way that I could figure out how to connect with her. It may be childish…”
“It worked, though,” Isaac confirms. “I would have to drag her out of your room because she’d get so involved in the game.”
“It took eight million years to play, though,” Ayden grumbles.
“Breakfast, we’ll do it before the shit show of our lives takes over,” I decide. “What is the exact purpose for the game?” I know it’s been skimmed over, but I want to make sure this doesn’t go sideways on us.”
“It’ll help us figure out what is off the table for the six of us, what we still like, and what new sexual activities we’d like to try together,” Sidney states. “We are all sexual creatures, but Silla is…”
“Different isn’t even the right term,” Isaac grunts, glancing at the bedroom where she’s sleeping. “We can’t really discuss what she may or may not be feeling because we don’t know, not completely. Trusting her to know what she needs is the best path, I think.”
“So that’s what we’ll do,” I agree. “Let’s finish up and make sure we get some sleep. I’ll make pancakes.”
“Fuck yeah!” Ayden fist pumps, making me smirk.
We’ll find our way through this minefield of trauma, one step at a time. And then maybe find therapists who will be willing to see us. Or not.
* * *
Silla’s assis somehow grinding against my dick. I have no idea how this happened, when Andrya and Sidney were between us when I fell asleep. Always happy to spoon, I rub her hip as I kiss her neck. I want to make sure she has a way to wiggle away in case she’s not awake yet.
“Morning, Gray,” she yawns. “Are you happy to see me, big man?”