Page 61 of Seduce

“Your Majesty, if I may?” I ask, walking to where Silla is standing. Making sure she can see me, I inclined my head to her. I will never bow to this bitch. “The Underground stated that the leader would only meet with Drizella at this event. They sent us all invitations, and I believe it was to help protect his identity. What better way to do that than when everyone is masked?”

Cinder gives me a smile that I’m sure is meant to be flirtatious, but instead is predatory. Gods, she’s just an evil witch.

“This all has merit when couched in those terms. Come to think of it, Silla has always disliked parties. Well done, girl, on doing things you dislike for my pleasure,” she murmurs. “It’s almost been a week that you’ve been gone, and I have another week of these meetings. Possibly two if needed.”

“I know how much you dislike them,” Silla says softly, trying to commiserate.

“I truly do. Charming has been playing at being the doting husband, and even insisted on sharing the bedroom,” Cinder whispers conspiratorially, her features twisting in disgust. I really don’t understand why these two got married, outside of convenience. “I need him to go away as soon as possible.”

“I know that’s been difficult for you,” Silla says, her face not showing any other emotion except sympathy. I hate the way she’s so skilled at masking her emotions around the queen. We need to make a plan to kill her sooner rather than later, and decide if Falcon has the balls to help us.

The man isn’t unhinged enough for a takeover.

“Fiddlesticks, you know nothing,” Cinder huffs.

“Cinder, where are you, woman?” A man yells, making Cinder growl under her breath.

“I’m in here, darling,” she calls out, and Silla winces. Gods, is that Charming? He’s been out of the press and limelight for years, and I don’t believe I’ve seen a photo of him in years.

“There you are,” he crows, as if she was hiding from him. It looks like Cinder is standing in her office, which means that she was in plain sight this entire time. “Are you speaking to Drizella?”

“I am, darling,” Cinder says, forcing her lips into a soft smile. She actually manages to pull it off, but it’s one of the most alien things that I’ve ever seen.

Charming’s heavy steps are heard as he walks into the room, and then I can see him in the camera next to Cinder. His fair skin has a bit of a tan to it now, undoubtedly from sunning on the beach where his home is at. Charming’s brown hair is a bit wavy, and appears to have a lot of product in it to keep it tamed. His broad shoulders cut a very strong figure, and there’s not an ounce of fat on his body, even though he’s nearing forty.

His brown eyes narrow as he looks into the phone, seeing Silla as he shoves his hands into the pockets of his navy blue suit. “What on earth are you wearing, Drizella?” Charming asks. “What happened to the pretty dress you were wearing when you left?”

Silla’s hand starts to shake, and I take the phone from her, hiding my hand behind her to rub her back. Getting Charming’s attention in any fashion isn’t good. Cinder may not want her husband, but she doesn’t want him to notice her step-sister either.

“I’m working on something for Cinder, and I have to blend in,” Silla explains. “Wearing the Queen’s colors makes it difficult to do that.”

“It’s true.” Cinder sighs, the anger in her eyes belying her tone. “The Underground is still a problem, darling, so Drizella is helping us.”

“She’s a little girl,” Charming scoffs. My blood runs cold as I listen to him. “Are you hoping that the leader is a man so that she can lure him with her tight pussy?”

“Yes. That’s exactly what I’m hoping,” Cinder says with a smile. “Screw him stupid if you have to, Drizella. I want to know that I won’t have my throat cut in the middle of the night.”

Falcon isn’t exactly bloodthirsty so there’s zero chances of her being killed in the middle of the night. Gods, where is she getting her information from?

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Silla says automatically.

“I’m exhausted,” Charming mutters. “How do you manage to do this every day?”

King Charming is even more lazy than I remember him to be.

“Drizella used to make my father tea when he was stressed out,” the Queen murmurs. Silla’s fingers fist in the material of my joggers, and I make sure that her hand isn’t in the frame of the video. “Do you remember what was in it?”

“No… Your Majesty. My mother made the tea, and I simply delivered it to him nightly. You’d have to ask her what was in it,” Silla explains. Fuck, there’s more to this than she’s saying.

“Maybe I will,” Cinder says dismissively.

“I did have a request, which is why I asked Cinder to tell me when she called you,” Charming says, his tone slightly biting. Cinder turns to look at him, their eyes saying more than words ever could. What now? “I want to see my sister-in-law while I’m visiting. You ran out of here so quickly, and it’s been forever.”

“I haven’t seen you in over two years,” Silla recalls, confused by his request.

“Yes, yes. Something like that. It’s been ages, and you’re so grown up now,” he murmurs, turning back to stare at Silla. I’m going to murder him. He will have the shits and puke, and fucking beg for death.

“You’ll have to come by the castle for dinner before Charming leaves,” Cinder says with a shrug, but not like she means it.