Page 9 of Double Cut

Horas nodded and didn’t pry. Instead he said, “The deterioration of our species accelerates. Humans, for all their physical weaknesses, remain a belligerent, aggressive species. I think they may reinvigorate our race.”

“The human females are small and delicate,” Sarus commented and wondered if the males were, too. He examined the remaining two females. The one wearing violet was attractive and appeared less delicate than the other three. While not as sturdy as an Ahn'hudi female, she nonetheless most closely resembled the Ahn'hudi females in stature. She looked athletic and strong.She would bear many young.

That observation inspired a concern. “Surely any young they bear will be similarly puny.”

“I have heard that Ahn'hudi physiology will dominate,” Horas replied. “The injection of human aggression and cunning with the physical and cognitive superiority of the Ahn'hudi will revive our species and restore us to dominance across many galaxies. Human females are fecund, moreso than the few Ahn'hudi females left to us.”

Sarus mentally noted the admission of hearsay. “Have you seen any such hybrid offspring?”

Horas shook his head. “I have not. I do not even know whether Ahn’hudi-human pairings are fruitful. But I would like to have a mate anyway.” He paused, then admitted, “I grow lonely.”

“I have heard that human females are short-lived,” Sarus commented as his gaze moved to the fourth female garbed in brilliant blue. Similarly colored jewels winked from the shining coils of her red-gold hair. He inhaled and tasted her scent. As he discerned the female’s scent, his body tightened even as heat sizzled up his spine. He felt his crest stiffen, and his tail began to swish.

“Ah, you think she’s your match, too,” Horas murmured. “If you’re worried about her longevity, cede her to me. I would gladly die early in exchange for the joy of being mated.”

Sarus’ upper lip lifted, baring his pointed teeth as a growl struggled to escape his chest.No, she’s mine. Mine!

“Circulate, gentlemen,” Ambassador Conquillen urged the suitors. “Speak with our brides, for this may be your best opportunity to engage them in conversation before some of you and all of them are mated.”

Sarus stepped forward to approach the beauty in blue. Horas fell into step beside him. He wanted to attack, to defend her against all other contenders for her affection, but the rules of engagement prohibited such a display of aggression.

The woman in blue looked at the two warrior males approaching her, every step measured and predatory. The natural color drained from her face, leaving the artificial color painted across her cheeks abnormally bright against her pale skin.

Horas stopped two steps from her and took her small hand in his. He bowed over it and murmured an introduction. After raising her hand to his lips and pressing a small kiss to the back of her knuckles, he released her hand. Sarus watched in curiosity, wondering where the other male had picked up such a strange habit and if human women liked it. He wondered if this human woman in particular liked such a gesture.

Eager to turn the woman’s attention toward him, Sarus stepped forward and stood tall and imposing as a warrior should. Angling his head down to meet her startled gaze, for she was a petite, delicate female, he growled an introduction: “I am Commander Sarus mek Orsai’To of the Moriya Squadron.”

Evangeline held out her hand. The big, ferocious alien ignored it, so she let it drop back to her side. “Er … I’m Evangeline Donal.”

“You will be mine,” the big male said, his voice like gravel.

“Um, not if I have anything to say about it,” she retorted, taking two steps back and frowning at him.

The other warrior gave her a closed-lip smile and a sound like a purr rumbled from his throat. She looked nervously at him, wondering if he, too, would pronounce his impending ownership of her.

“Do not mind his roughness,” that male said smoothly. “He is young yet, and impetuous.”

“Um, and you’re not young?” Evangeline asked, thinking that Horas did not look old at all. Perhaps Ahn'hudi didn’t age like humans, getting all wrinkled and shriveled. Her gaze flickered over the scaly hide revealed on his face, arms, legs, andoh-my-God-that’s-a-tail!

“I am older than he,” the male replied as she swallowed a squeak of fright, “but still plenty young enough to defend and protect my mate and our young.”

“Um …” Her voice died away, because she could think of no polite response.

“Once mated, we will have an estate where you will live in comfort,” Horas continued. “There will be plenty of room to raise our many young.”

The taller male beside him seemed to seethe. Evangeline cast an anxious glance at him, worried that he might start a brawl right there.

Another male approached, distracting her. He was obviously not a warrior. For one, he did not wear what appeared to be a military uniform of leather kilt, loose shirt with differing patterns of stripes crowning each shoulder, and heavy boots. The new male gave her a nod and bared his teeth in a smile that did not seem natural on his face. He did not offer to shake her hand.

“Your scent intrigues me, sweet human. I will take great pleasure in fucking you,” the new male said.

Evangeline felt the polite expression on her face congeal into distaste.

“Not if I have anything to say about it,” she muttered.

The biggest of the three males, Sarus, turned his body toward the newcomer’s and introduced himself, ending with, “And you are?”

“Engineer Arrenji shih Tezk,” the male answered in a haughty tone.