“Interesting. Is this a common drink on Earth?”
“It is,” she replied and took an appreciative sip of her own cup, the rich brew leavened with a healthy dollop of cream. She sighed with pleasure, then popped a macaroon in her mouth and chewed.
“What are these?” the general superior inquired, plucking a macaroon off the tray.
Evangeline swallowed and said, “It’s a coconut macaroon, my favorite cookie. I’ve been craving them.”
He sniffed that, too, before taking a small nibble. He frowned and set the remainder of the cookie down.
“General Superior,” Horas greeted as he entered the room. He thumped his chest in the Ahn’hudi version of a salute. He stepped aside as Sarus entered behind him and greeted the military’s commander in chief with a chest thump. Neither bowed their heads.
“Are you well, little flame?” Sarus inquired, going to his mate’s side.
“Ravenous,” she said around a mouthful of cookie.
“What brings you here, sir?” Horas inquired, moving to stand on their mate’s other side.
The general superior did not mistake their positioning for anything other than what they intended: protection. He approved.
He drained his cup of coffee and said, “The emperor has ordered me to find a mate.”
“You can’t have ours,” Horas said.
“No, but I want one like yours.”
“A human?” Evangeline blurted in surprise. “Why?”
“Your species intrigues me.”
“That’s hardly a good reason,” she retorted. “Why not enter the bride games like everyone else has to?”
He frowned. “I did. None of the brides chose me.”
Evangeline snickered. Sarus quietly shushed her for fear of offending their commanding officer.
“You do not fear me?” the general superior asked, rising to his feet again.
“With Sarus, Horas, and Rosie to protect me? No, I don’t.”
He nodded. “That is good. A female should not suffer fear.”
Sarus plucked a macaroon from the tray and popped it into his mate’s mouth before she could say something outrageous. She glared at him as she chewed, and her conscience pricked her. Hesitantly, she said, “General Superior, I have a suspicion that I think you ought to hear. Perhaps … perhaps you can do something about it.”
The hulking male returned his attention to her, yellow reptilian eyes focused and intent. She swallowed a lump of anxiety, opened her mouth, then closed it again.
“Go on, little flame. You are safe,” Sarus murmured encouragement at the same time the general superior prompted, “Speak, female.”
She took a deep breath to steady her nerves. “You know—or ought to know—that the human women imported to Ahn’hudin, at least those from the U.S.A., aren’t informed or even willing to come here. They don’t know what’s intended.”
The general superior nodded. “This matter has been discussed with the crown.”
She exhaled and took another deep breath. “When … when I was at the embassy, I heard a brief conversation.” She paused. “The other brides in my group received an injection that I did not.”
“An injection?”
Evangeline nodded. “Two brides’ menses stopped.”
“Menses?” the general superior echoed in confusion.