Page 63 of Double Cut

“I heard you insult him. So?”

“He’ll meet me in combat to defend his honor.”

“And then?”

“I’ll kill him.”

“And then? What will become of Masey?” She cursed as she stubbed a toe and stumbled. Horas swooped her into his arms and slung her over his broad shoulder. “Hey!”

“And then she will reside under my protection until another mate can be found for her.”

“What if she doesn’t want another mate?”

“I will ensure the male is honorable. She will have a good home.”

“She’s not a damned puppy!”

Horas carried her through the gate and climbed into the waiting skiff. He set her down.

“Can’t she just get a divorce and leave that creep?”

“The only way to separate mates is through death.” He shot her a hard glance. “Unless you’d prefer I kill the female to relieve her of her misery?”

Evangeline gaped for a moment. “What? God, no! What the hell made you say that?”

He sighed. “Little flame, do you really think I would treat her with cruelty?”

“You better not.”

A harsh laugh erupted from his chest. “Only you, little flame, would dare be so insolent with me.”

“You’re really going to save her?” Evangeline asked in a small voice.

“I’m going to destroy her life and offer her the opportunity for a better one,” he replied and opened his arms.

Evangeline threw herself into his embrace, knowing he would never raise a hand to her in violence. Honor formed the core of the big warrior’s nature.

After the skiff deposited them at the castle step, Horas carried her inside and headed straight to their bed chamber. With controlled violence and exquisite care, he used his claws to tear the clothes from her body. She cried out as he feasted on her skin, stroked every inch, and drove her to two shuddering orgasms before plunging into her body. She cried out when his secondary cock penetrated her. She cried out again when his two cocks began to throb, pulse, and vibrate in unison until her pussy gushed and the rest of her body trembled with orgasm after orgasm.

Horas pulled from her flesh, relishing the weak whimper leaking from her mouth. He walked into the adjacent bathing chamber and filled the tub. Soon, he carried his limp mate into the tub and bathed her, careful to avoid scratching her delicate skin with his claws as he tenderly stroked her body into yet another climax.

He dried her off and returned her to the bed where he left her clean, exhausted, and sleeping. Donning a clean kilt, he headed to the sitting room where Sarus soon met him.

“I heard what happened,” the other warrior said as he poured himself a glass of Embrudian whiskey. He took a sip, relished the burn as it slid down his throat, and asked, “Where is Evangeline?”

“Sleeping in our bed.”

“When is the duel?”

“Tomorrow at dawn.”

“You do not ask me to serve as your second.”

“No. You would be honor-bound to accompany me, and I do not trust in the captain’s honor. I will not leave Evangeline unprotected from his treachery.”

Sarus nodded. “Agreed, we will not leave Evangeline unprotected. I will serve as your second. What shall we do with this female after you kill her mate?”

“She may need a healer,” Horas said. “I will find her a new mate, an honorable male.”