Page 50 of Double Cut

They stopped in front of an imposing portal. The arched double doors were closed. Two fearsome palace guards flanked the entrance to the throne room. Their eyes widened at seeing the former leader of the crown prince’s personal guard; however, they said nothing and did not break their post beyond thumping their chests with their fists and bowing their heads in acknowledgement of the officers’ presence.

The doors swung open on silent hinges. Two guards dragged a sobbing male from the throne room. The petty functionary sniffed as they hauled the distressed male past them and headed down the corridor. Evangeline stared after them, eyes wide and fear welling inside her.

“Maybe we should leave,” she whispered.

The functionary shot her an annoyed glance and stepped through the doorway. He tapped his short staff on the floor three times and announced in a loud voice, “Colonel Horas mek Ul’Sinha, Commander Sarus mek Orsai’To, and their mate, Evangelina Antonia Donal, formerly of Earth.”

Horas, having the higher rank, entered first.

“Follow me,” Sarus whispered to their mate, giving her shoulder a light squeeze of reassurance as he fell into step behind Horas.

Evangeline took a deep breath, squared her shoulders, stiffened her spine, and reminded herself that she had done nothing wrong and had no reason to be ashamed or frightened. The mental pep talk didn’t stop her knees from wobbling as she followed Sarus who came to a halt alongside Horas. She remained a few steps behind them.

“Colonel, Commander, why does your mate not stand with you?” the emperor inquired, his voice sibilant.

Saurus and Horas both turned at the waist to extend their hands toward her. Encouraged, she settled her palms in theirs and let them draw her forward. She stopped when she stood between them as though an equal. She managed to keep her expression polite rather than gawk at the ancient being swathed in furs. He looked as though he were dying, his scaly hide rough, cracked, and wrinkled. Beside him on a smaller throne sat an Ahn’hudi male in his prime, another warrior with a tall crest that looked to have been studded with hundreds of small glittering rhinestones. His yellow eyes were slitted. He had not the brawn of either of the warriors presenting their bride, yet he still looked sinuous and lethal, a cobra faced by two crocodiles.

“We are informed of your courage and decisive action when the Sivuul attacked,” the emperor said. “One bride was lost to the enemy that day. Attempts to recover her alive have failed.”

Horas and Sarus said nothing and their expressions gave nothing away. Trying not to wince at the not-so-veiled meaning behind the emperor’s words, Evangeline wondered if those words were meant as praise for her mates’ bravery or as criticism for not having been able to save Louella from capture.

The ancient emperor cleared his throat, then said, “Colonel Horas mek Ul’Sinha, we congratulate you on a successful triad mating. Ahn’hudin will be strengthened by your union and its fruit. Commander Sarus mek Orsai’To, we congratulate you on a successful triad mating. Ahn’hudin will be strengthened by your union and its fruit. You are both hereby relieved of your active military duties and commanded to fulfill your new orders.”

The crown prince leaned forward and favored his former guard with a close-lipped smile. “Well done, Colonel Horas! I knew if anyone had a good chance at securing a mate, you would.”

“You entered me in the bride games, Your Highness?” Horas asked, eyes narrowing.

“Of course, I did. No one else would have dared,” Crown Prince Gudren replied. “You cannot remain my guard forever; there are too many worthy warriors wanting to serve.”

Horas gave a slow nod and said, “Then I must give you my gratitude, Your Highness, for I did not know what joy I was missing.”

“Tell me, Horas, is a human cunt as pleasurable as an Ahn’hudi female’s?”

Evangeline gasped and bit her tongue to keep from blurting out something that would get her or her mates in trouble. She could not help, however, from glaring at the obnoxious crown prince.

Horas merely replied, “My mate gives me greater pleasure than any I have known.”

Good answer!Evangeline hoped Sarus, if asked such an offensive question, would be as diplomatic.

“And you, Commander Sarus,” the crown prince said, “should know that Captain Ahk’sinh mek Tormej will be promoted to commander of the Moriya Squadron.”

Sarus nodded and said, “He is a good choice, a fierce warrior and worthy leader.”

“Did you think the general superior would choose otherwise?” came the silky inquiry. Mention of the hulking warrior made Evangeline shiver with dread.

“No, Your Highness,” Sarus replied, his tone carefully neutral.

“Ah, then you believe we need your approval?”

Evangeline felt the annoyance roll off her mate as he replied, “No, Your Highness, but you have it nonetheless. Captain Ahk’sinh is a wise choice.”

“The general superior expressed admiration for your mate,” Prince Gudren commented.

“Our mate is worthy of admiration, Your Highness,” Sarus replied evenly. “She is to meet with the science master general later today.”

“Why would a female need to speak with the science master general?” the emperor asked, his voice hissing.

Evangeline found her own voice and answered, “Because I’m a certified horticulturist and Ahn’hudin cannot grow all the food it needs.”