As though sensing their mate’s exasperation, Horas did answer. “Likely, we will be assigned temporary quarters in the royal compound. We may not meet the emperor, but you will be officially welcomed as a new citizen of Ahn’hudin and an imperial subject. Our mating will be officially recorded. Next we’ll probably be sent to our permanent station.”
Evangeline wondered if she even wanted to meet the emperor, then decided that what she wanted probably didn’t matter. She could comply with orders or disobey as her conscience demanded. A surreptitious glance at her mates warned her that disobedience wasn’t the best idea she’d ever had. Still, she had questions.
“So, if I’m to be recognized as an imperial subject and a citizen of Ahn’hudin, that means I have rights, correct?”
“I do not understand,” Horas said. “Explain.”
Rummaging in her memory of high school civics class, she said, “For instance, in my home country every citizen has the right to vote.”
“Vote?” Sarus echoed.
“Yes, citizens elect candidates to represent their interests in government. Our government is by the people and for the people.”
Horas tilted his head, considering the concept. “And does this type of government work to serve the peoples’ best interests?”
She could not help but answer honestly, but tried to put a positive spin on the reality of her homeland’s government: “It’s supposed to.” Rather than be forced to defend representative republic style of government, she went on the offensive. “Does your emperor always work to serve his peoples’ best interests?”
Sarus smiled, lips spreading to reveal pointed teeth. “Of course. We Ahn’hudi tolerate a small amount of error, but the emperor risks death should he endanger or work against his peoples’ best interests.”
“And how often has that happened?” Evangeline asked, thinking how the kings, emperors, and politicians of Earth focused mainly on their own aggrandizement rather than the benefit of their subjects.
“Our current emperor ascended the throne because we removed his predecessor,” Horas answered.
“Isn’t rebellion considered treason?” she asked.
“Our laws state the emperor must serve the empire. An emperor who serves only himself breaks the law and thus will be summarily removed.”
“Doesn’t the emperor command the military?”
Horas blinked, then began to laugh. “Oh, no, for that would be a conflict of interest. To exercise the military, the emperor must obtain the general superior’s agreement.”
“What prevents the emperor from colluding with the general superior?”
“Honor,” Sarus said.
“There are sixty vice generals whose support the general superior must secure,” Horas explained. As Evangeline opened her mouth to challenge him further, he held up a hand and said, “No system is perfect. But we Ahn’hudi take our honor seriously. A dishonorable leader is soon discovered and removed.”
Evangeline realized that neither male would entertain further pursuit of that line of conversation, so she changed the subject. “What am I supposed to do after we move to your next duty station?”
“Do?” Horas echoed, as though the concept of a female doing anything were foreign to him. “You shall do as you please.”
She snorted. “I doubt that.”
“What do you wish to do?” Sarus inquired, not particularly wanting to revisit a topic which only seemed to generate resentment and anger in their mate.
She opened her mouth, closed it, blinked, then smiled. He did not think the baring of her blunt teeth an aggressive or menacing expression, but one strangely human and appealing. “Do you mean it?”
“I always mean what I say, little flame.”
She blinked rapidly, eyes shining with suspicious moisture. Horas glared at him and hissed, “You are making our mate weep.”
With a watery chuckle, Evangeline said, “These are good tears, Horas.”
“Good tears? How can tears be good?”
“It means that we just might get along after all,” she said. “Do you know that since I was kidnapped by my own government, not once has anyone asked me what I want. That’simportant.I need to be consulted regarding what affects me and what I do.”
“You simply wish to be asked what it is you want?” Sarus asked, blinking in surprise.