Page 22 of Double Cut

He nodded, aware of the incongruity. “There is none so fierce as a mother defending its young. Durja is the All Mother, she who gave life to our species and defended our very existence against the forces that would have destroyed us. It is Durja who taught us the art of war, and Gruo who taught us art of technology. Engineers, builders, makers, and merchants worship at his altar.” He held up his hand. “Ulmjar oversees those who farm and fish. Yk’sih guides the healers.”

Evangeline nodded. “Some cultures on Earth have multiple deities whom they worship, but I think most humans believe in a single God, although they call him by different names. We believe this one God is supreme over all the universe.”

Eager to make his bride comfortable on Ahn’hudin, Sarus offered, “Then, wherever we make our home, we shall build your God a shrine next to Durja’s that you may worship it.”

A small smile curled the corners of Evangeline’s lips. She realized the kindness of his offer, although it made her realize there would be no regular church attendance. At least, she thought, Sarus would not expect her to abandon her religious convictions or force her to worship according to his. A second later, another thought struck her.



“If the four gods you mentioned are worshiped by warriors, engineers, farmers, and healers, and if females here are prohibited from careers—”

“We do not forbid females from taking on vocations,” he interrupted.

“I thought …” Evangeline gathered her thoughts, then tried again. “From what little I was able to read, it seems as though females in Ahn'hudi society are relegated to keeping house and bearing children.”

“A female’s biological purpose is the propagation of the species,” Sarus said. “However, that does not prohibit her from following other interests or taking on a vocation if she should so desire and her mate should permit.”

She challenged him. “So, if I want to get a job as a … a … a seamstress designing haute couture evening gowns, you’d be okay with that?”

“I do not understand this term, ‘haute couture.’”

“Bespoke garments for special occasions,” she explained tersely.

He blinked slowly. Evangeline assumed he struggled to answer in such a manner that would not enrage her or reveal him as a liar. “If you wish to fashion these special garments, then you may do so.”

“So, I would need your permission,” she said in a flat tone.

“It is a male’s duty and honor to ensure his mate’s health, safety, comfort, and pleasure.”

“Do I have the right to govern my own life?” she asked.

“Females have whatever privileges her mates can give her.”

She persisted. “So, would youallowme to work, to have a job?”

“Horas and I–”

“Horas and you?”

He nodded. “Aye, you are our mate.”

“How?” She gulped, eyes closing as she shook her head.

“We both claim you as our mate.”

Evangeline took a deep breath, trying to wrap her mind around the idea of being married—mated—to two males. “I can’t deal with this right now.”

“You are yet recovering from your wounds,” Sarus said.

Without ceremony, he gathered her into his arms and cradled her against his chest. She stiffened, but a soft purring noise emanated from his throat. It felt strangely soothing, and Evangeline found herself relaxing in his hold despite her unsettled mood. She lay quiescent in his arms as he carried her into a bathroom. Using the tip of his prehensile tail, Sarus tapped a panel above a tub large enough to accommodate three big Ahn'hudi males. Water soon burbled from below and filled the massive tub.

“You will allow me to bathe you,” he said.

Evangeline looked down into the deep tub and thought that if he dropped her, she’d not have the strength to swim and would drown. She nodded and submitted without complaint as Sarus efficiently stripped her.

“Do you need to empty your bladder or bowels?” he asked.