“That’s probably it,” Evangeline agreed, deciding not to mention the many dystopian and horror stories that did not end with human triumph over evil. She doubted Sarus would understand. She wasn’t suresheunderstood.
Engineer Arrenji shih Tezk approached and said, “Commander, you must not monopolize my mate.”
Sarus’ lips peeled back to reveal his pointed teeth in a silent snarl.
Arrenji met his glower with a small snarl of his own and added, “We are all permitted conversation with the human females tonight. You have had ample opportunity to convince this female to accept your suit.”
“He hasn’t been trying to convince me of anything,” Evangeline said. “Unlike some men … er … males here, he’s actually beenconversingwith me.”
“A discussion of your biological purpose no doubt and how he intends you to fulfill it,” the male said and took her hand. His palm enveloped her hand and wrist. “A dainty female such as yourself would surely feel discomfort accommodating a brute like the commander. You will find greater pleasure with a more refined and intelligent male like me.”
Evangeline blinked.Is he actually trying to persuade me to choose him on the basis of having a smaller dick?She tried to pull her hand from his grasp, but he tightened his hold and refused to release her. Frowning, she tugged again, that time not trying to be discreet.
“Let go,” she hissed.
The male’s grip did not loosen. Instead, he said, “You will learn obedience and take joy in it as a proper mate should.”
Sarus watched the exchange with fascination. Indeed, it seemed human females were greatly unlike Ahn'hudi females who depended entirely upon their mates for their welfare, happiness, satisfaction, and pleasure. He watched the female tug again to free her hand from the engineer’s grip. The anger in her eyes fascinated him for a second before it ignited his own fury. Without thinking about his actions, he wrapped a clawed hand around the engineer’s wrist and squeezed.
“Release her,” he growled and squeezed harder.
The engineer’s eyes narrowed as he attempted to withstand the crushing pressure of the other male’s grip. Sarus tightened his hold even as he felt the other male’s bones begin to bend beneath the pressure. Before the commander crushed the engineer’s wrist, Horas and the healer intervened.
“Most human females do not appreciate such direct control,” Horas said in an icy tone. “Now release the female lest you dishonor yourself by marking her flesh.”
“The female must be mastered and I shall be her master,” the engineer hissed. His tail lashed from side to side.
“Should you be mated to her, you may then master her,” Horas began.
“The hell he will,” Evangeline snapped and tugged again to free her hand. She glared at Horas. “No man is mymaster.”
“Gentlemen, violence is not permitted here,” Ambassador Coquillen reminded them in a cold tone as she approached, “especiallyagainst the brides.”
“It is a male’s right to touch his mate and teach her obedience to his will,” the engineer stated in an equally cold tone.
“She’s not your mate yet,” the ambassador reminded him.
“Ever,” Evangeline snarled as the engineer finally released her hand. She snatched it back only to have the healer grasp it. She opened her mouth to protest, but realized that he was examining her hand and wrist.
“She is uninjured,” the healer noted, releasing his gentle hold. He looked at Arrenji and said, “Engineer, allow me to examine your wrist.”
Arrenji declined and threw a look of contempt at Sarus. “The brute did not injure me. He cannot.”
Horas did not bother to stifle a snort of disbelief. “Engineer Arrenji, do not issue a challenge you cannot survive.”
The engineer gave a haughty sniff and retorted, “It would be no challenge to defeat a lowborn soldier.” He glanced at Sarus who had remained silent through the exchange and asked, “Do you challenge me, Commander?”
“I do not challenge immature younglings or females,” Sarus replied, his tone cool and dripping with contempt.
The engineer bared his teeth in a silent snarl, then mastered his rage and turned to Ambassador Coquillen. He said to both her and Horas, “There is no challenge. Commander Sarus knows better than to fling himself at a superior force.”
Openmouthed, Evangeline wondered why the loathsome engineer continued to goad Sarus, because the commander would no doubt beat him to a pulp.
The ambassador leaned in close to her and whispered in her ear, “If the commander challenges the engineer, then the engineer gets to pick the nature of the battle.”
“And he would ensure it was to his advantage,” Evangeline murmured under her breath, understanding the bigger, more muscular male’s restraint. “But I don’t think Sarus is stupid.”
“No male reaches the rank of commander by being stupid, especially the Moriyan Scourge,” Horas said in a quiet tone as he placed a hand lightly on Evangeline’s shoulder and turned her away from the other two males. “Now come, little flame, and allow me to steer you to more pleasant company.”