Page 62 of Double Cut

“Return to your squadron,” Horas ordered, crest bristling in tall spikes and tail lashing.

“Females,” the male on the right hissed. His forked tongue flickered, tasting the air.

“What the hell?” Evangeline muttered, eyes wide.

“They are young and as yet undisciplined,” Lady Masey whispered, fingering her collar. “This is why my mate never allows me on base. There are too many ready and willing to challenge him for me.”

“Remember your honor,” Horas growled as the two males approached.

“We know who you are,” one of the males sneered. “You’ve grown old and soft guarding the crown prince.”

Evangeline’s eyes widened as Horas’ fingers flexed and his claws lengthened into fearsome ivory daggers.

“If I’m old and soft, then you won’t be afraid to die,” Horas hissed.

With a yelp, the two challengers launched themselves at the larger warrior. They were young and nimble, fast and agile. However, they had neither the skill nor the experience of the powerful, seasoned warrior. After the first swipe of Horas’ deadly claws left bleeding lacerations in their wake, Evangeline looked away, stomach lurching at the sight and smell of blood and violence. The grunts and meaty thuds of the fight did not last long before a well-placed swipe by Horas slashed the throat of one of the males. His lifeblood gushed onto the sandy ground, and seconds later he gasped his last and fell beside his friend who lay broken and whimpering at Horas’ feet. When Evangeline looked up, she noticed the fracas had attracted an audience. She also noticed that Lady Masey’s eyes were fixed on the defeated males and her chest heaved with excitement.

“Captain Ush’gol!” Horas shouted.

A large male approached. His tail twitched. “Colonel Horas, what are you doing here with my mate?”

“I discovered her in townunescorted.”

“My mate is not your business, Colonel.”

“Protection of a female, any female, is my business; it is the business of any honorable male,” Horas replied. His voice lowered to a menacing hiss. “Or are you so lost to honor that you leave your mate unprotected?”

“You go too far, Colonel,” the captain snapped. He extended his hand in a peremptory come-here gesture. “Masey, to my heel.”

Masey scuttled forth and positioned herself at her mate’s heel, kneeling in the dirt, head bowed.

Stepping forward, Evangeline’s lip lifted in a sneer. “Did you just tell her to heel?”

The captain fixed her with a cold glare. “You mind your place, female.” He flicked a disgusted glance at Horas. “Control your mate, Colonel.”

Horas hissed. The captain swiped his hand downward, delivering a glancing blow to Lady Masey’s head. The female whimpered and shook.

“You are lost to honor,” Horas declared, his voice cold and implacable.

“This female is mine,” the captain said, “mine to do with as I please.”

“You will not abuse a female in my presence, Captain.”

“Then depart now before I have you thrown out of the compound.”

“Then defend your honor and your right to a mate,” Horas sneered. As the captain growled, Horas wrapped a hand around Evangeline’s upper arm. “Come, little flame.”

“We can’t leave Masey here with that brute,” she protested and tried to pull her arm free, but his hold did not break.

“I’ll not fight a weakgurriskwho does a female’s bidding!” the captain shouted as Horas led her away.

“You are a coward and weak. You are unworthy of a mate,” Horas replied, his voice dripping with icy contempt and more than loud enough to carry to all listening spectators. He tugged Evangeline’s arm and murmured to her, “She will not remain with him long. Now either walk alongside me or be carried.”

With a huff, she hurried to keep up with his long stride as the outraged captain roared.

“What are you going to do?” she asked.

“I’ve issued a challenge.”