Page 6 of Double Cut

He sighed. “You’re not going to win this, Evie. I may be fruitier than the average fag, but I’m still stronger than you.” He looked at Henri and muttered, “Why do I always get the obnoxious ones?”

“Because the stubborn girls would run right over me,” Henri admitted. “I like my girls like I like my pastries, soft and sweet.” He patted Louella’s tight black curls. “I do believe this beauty is my favorite of all the brides thus far. Isn’t she perfect?”

Louella opened her eyes and smiled at the compliment.

Evangeline’s gaze met Louella’s gaze. “Why are you so cooperative? I don’t understand.”

Louella sighed and shrugged her plump shoulders. “In my neighborhood, there ain’t many men who’re willing to tie the knot. They just want to hit it and quit it. God forbid a woman ask him to put a rubber on it.” She shook her head. “Uh-uh, no, that ain’t happenin’. So, if there is a kid, then it’s the mama’s responsibility. At least here the men want to get married and take care of their families. That’s more than I can say for back home.”

Marisol nodded and added as her chaperone dropped a red gown over her, “Louella and I are from the same neighborhood, believe it or not.”

Louella nodded and interjected, “We applied for the job together, interviewed at the same time. We’ve been friends for years.” She looked at her chaperone and added, “I’m gonna need panties, man, and tampons. My period’s due.”

Marisol continued, “It’s gang territory. If a man ain’t in a gang, then he’s working at some menial job and drinking his paycheck. I’ve got a chance at security here and I’m not going to blow it.”

Evangeline pursed her lips and realized something: they hadn’t interviewed with that creepy, deceitful Mr. Argosie. “You mean you wereinformedabout the ‘job?’”

The two women nodded, their expressions solemn. Elodie frowned and muttered, “My period stopped.”

Over Henri’s murmured response that Elodie and Louella didn’t have to worry about their periods anymore, Evangeline sighed and said, “I get it, I suppose. But don’t you resent not having anychoice?”

“Really, Henri?” Louella said. “Thanks, man. I get cramps real bad.” She snorted and said to Evangeline, “I busted my ass to get a nursing degree, and it ain’t even a four-year degree. I’m an LPN, and the RNs and doctors treat me like shit, like I’m not good for more than cleaning bed pans. At least here I’ve got a chance to earn some respect.”

“How do you know you’ll get any respect?” Elodie asked, her expression filled with doubt. “I’ve read about cultures like this where females are scarce commodities. We’ll be cloistered and controlled. Our main purpose will be breeding.” She shook her head and gnawed on her lip. “I’m with Evie. I don’t want to be here, but there’s damn-all I can do about it now, so I just have to make the best of a bad situation.” Her hazel eyes narrowed. “I’m gonna try to pick the best of those males.”

“How will you determine which one is the best?” Evangeline asked.

Elodie smiled a shark’s smile. “I’m a computer programmer and got laid off when the company went belly-up. I’m not gonna let any man determine my fate, so I’ll find the one who’s most easily manipulated.I’mgonna control this relationship, not some big, horned monster.”

Raquel coughed. “Um, sweetie, these aliens here aren’t horned. You’re thinking of those sexy triads on Uribern.”

“What’s Uribern?” Marisol asked.

“Yeah, what do these alien men look like?” Louella asked. “I’m getting weirdStar Trekvibes. These guys don’t look like Klingons, do they?”

“Or that Jabba the Hut blob from Star Wars,” Elodie chimed in with a shudder of distaste. “I mean, these guys are basically humanoid, right?”

“Uribern’s one of the three planets with which Earth has a lucrative and advantageous agreement to trade brides for technology and precious resources,” Phil answered. “Urib males—and, yes, ladies, they are biologically compatible with humans—form bonded triads and pairs who then share a mate.”

“A mate?” Marisol’s eyes widened.

“Share?” Louella repeated.

“Yes, share,” Phil said. “There was a bit of acontretempsa while back when one of the brides sent to Uribern tried to shirk her duty. But she was caught and is now, by all accounts, blissfully happy.”

“Sure,” Evangeline muttered skeptically.

Her comment drew Phil’s attention back to his charge.

“Drop the robe, Evie,” Phil ordered. “If you don’t, Henri will be happy to help.”

She glanced at Henri, who shrugged his burly shoulders in an apologetic manner, and untied the belt. She let the robe slide off her shoulders and fall to the floor and tried not to squirm standing naked in a room with several other people.

“Finally,” Phil muttered. “Arms up.”

She raised her arms. First, a silky chemise slid over her body. Phil wrapped a corset around her middle and tied it tightly.Well, at least I won’t be slouching tonight, but no panties?Next, a vivid blue dress enveloped her, the layers of silk and velvet evoking a Disney princess vibe heralding some long-distant, historical evening gown that never really existed. She held still while Phil buttoned up the back.

“So, what’s tonight’s game?” Evangeline asked as he worked on the long row of tiny buttons.