“That was quick,” she commented.
“Supplemental intelligence will see to Poppet’s food, water, and waste receptacles,” Rosie announced.
“Supple—oh. Other robots, I guess.”
“Yes,” Sarus said. “Rosie will be the primary intelligence serving our domestic needs.”
“You’ll place all requests to this device, and they will be delegated until the devices have learned our habits,” Horas explained.
Evangeline’s eyes grew wide. “You mean this thing’s going to follow me around?”
“It’s equipped to serve as defense should there be any need,” Sarus said. “Therefore, it must learn you.”
“Ugh. Is it going to accompany me wherever I go?”
“It’s my guess that the palace has an expansive walled courtyard where it may not see the need to accompany you after it has learned your habits; but if you venture beyond our grounds, then either Sarus or I must accompany you,” Horas replied.
Evangeline nodded, remembering the earlier explanation that she would always be accompanied by one of her mates wherever she went whenever she went there. She’d hoped that the area immediately beyond the castle would be considered safe enough for her to venture without an escort, but it seemed not.Now I know how Poppet feels. I keep him confined within the house to keep him safe, and that’s what Horas and Sarus are going to do with me.
“What if I want to go to town and do some shopping?” she challenged.
“One or both of us will accompany you,” Sarus said. His tone brooked no disagreement.
“You know, it’s going to be really hard to buy you guys Christmas presents or birthday presents if you’re always with me,” she grumbled.
The two males exchanged glances, again not understanding her references. Wisely, they did not respond.
Evangeline’s days soon fell into a rhythm. After being thoroughly fucked every morning then bathed and driven to a few more orgasms, she spent the rest of each morning in the small, well-equipped laboratory spread out over two floors in the castle’s north turret. She analyzed samples and determined the soil’s composition and what minerals and nutrients it was missing. She then procured and analyzed samples of local native plants, wondering at the strange lack of floral diversity. She analyzed geological surveys of underground water sources and was thrilled to discover the network of subterranean rivers flowing throughout the valley. She supposed the subterranean rivers emptied into the freshwater ocean she remembered crossing on the journey from the royal compound, but land masses appeared bereft of rivers and lakes. She wondered why water was so plentiful belowground and so sparse at ground level, but nothing she found explained that phenomenon.At least the abundance of underground water will make it possible to reclaim the high desert for agriculture.
In the afternoons, Evangeline worked outdoors, procuring samples of soil and plants, digging small plots, and otherwise trying to prepare the earth for growing fruits and vegetables.I miss fresh tomatoes.Rosie accompanied her wherever she went, which initially made her uneasy. However, the robot proved helpful, and she quickly grew accustomed to its constant presence and grateful for its untiring and efficient labor.
“There’s little biodiversity in either flora or fauna here. I’m going to have to introduce new plant and animal species, and God knows that seldom goes well,” she muttered to herself after perusing reams of texts that the digital tomes automatically translated into English for her. She found that both creepy and accommodating. “Do the native plants here need pollination? Does Ahn’hudin even have pollinators?”
She didn’t miss the flies and mosquitos so prevalent on Earth, but Ahn’hudin’s paucity of insect life made her wonder if it were a dying planet. The task of desert greening to lead the planet to agricultural self-sufficiency loomed larger than ever, and her effort was tinged with desperation mingled with a sense of futility.
“I need to start with self-pollinating plants. Perhaps I can order in some bees and hives later,” she said to herself. Lifting her head, she addressed the spider, “Rosie, I need to place an order for seeds and fertilizer.”
She listed the plants she wanted, then said, “Rosie, I need a well designated for irrigation.”
“Rosie, inform me when the ordered supplies have been received.”
“Thanks, Rosie.”
She began to make weekly trips into town, always accompanied by one or both of her mates. On the first trip and accompanied by both males, she wore the detested leash.
“No one else is wearing a damned leash,” she hissed at them as they strolled along the town’s compact shopping district. “I’m the only one being paraded around like a damned pet and people are noticing.I don’t like it.”
Horas and Sarus observed the same and reluctantly unsnapped the leash from her collar. Sarus wrapped it around his wrist to use just in case.