Page 24 of Single Stroke

Yas’kihn remained silent as he wrapped his arms around his mate, his mate whether she acknowledged it or not.

“Super-smart, but no common sense,” she muttered, disappointment saturating every syllable. “When Zerius gets out of prison, he’ll probably go back to working for the gang because he’ll have no better opportunity. As an ex-con, he’ll be lucky to get a job flipping hamburgers.”

The general superior did not know what she meant by the reference to hamburgers, nor did he have much use for second chances given to those who proved themselves unworthy, but he wanted to please his mate, give her a reason to remain with him beyond mere survival. He craved her affection and admiration. The realization surprised him.

“What if I could find your brother a career on Ahn’hudin?” he murmured as the idea occurred to him.That would please my mate.

Louella sat upright, eyes wide with astonishment and hope. “Do you think you could really do that? Zerius isn’t bad, but he’s got no common sense. If he’s got a set of rules he must live by—rulesimposedupon him—then he’ll be fine.”

Yas’kihn mentally reviewed the past solar rotation’s updates to the treaty with Earth. He had taken Lady Evangeline Antonia Donnel’s suspicion seriously and investigated the human ambassador’s delivery of injections to Alliance brides to prevent them from conceiving. When the government of Ahn’hudin confronted the humans with evidence of their perfidy, the human government, greedy for alien technology, agreed to many concessions to avoid alienating the technologically superior aliens.

The general superior was not averse to applying a bit more pressure upon the duplicitous humans to guarantee an opportunity and offer redemption to his mate’s brother. He whispered, “When we return to Ahn’hudin, I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thank you, Jax,” she replied. After a pause she asked, “Why would you do this for him?”

“For you, not for him.”

Suspicion surged within her and she closed her eyes for a second. “And what do you expect in return?”

“I hope. I do not expect.”

She gnawed on her lower lip.I know what you hope for.

“Rest, Louella,” he said, adjusting himself so that he more or less sheltered her under the armored protection of his body.

Louella sighed and snuggled against him. He would not pressure her, yet she knew the expectation was there. Would it be so bad being the general superior’s wife … er … mate? From what little she’d seen, heard, read, and remembered—and it was very little indeed—brides of the Ahn’hudi were cherished and pampered. The general superior ranked highly and likely could keep her in a manner to which she’d never before thought to become accustomed. She would never have to work another day in her life, although she couldn’t imagine not working. She’d never have to fear eviction because rent was due and she couldn’t pay it. She’d never have to go hungry or live on noodles and rice because she couldn’t afford anything else.

Jax wants me. He’s made no bones about that. But do I want him? I mean, he’s handsome, attractive for a descendant of a dragon, you know? He’s sexy with all those muscles. And two cocks … that’s an interesting anatomical difference! Can I deal with that? Will it hurt? Or would I enjoy it?

Doubts and reasons and justifications and questions raced through her mind in vicious circles until she finally drifted off to sleep, the warmth of the hulking warrior’s body seeping into hers and her confidence in his shelter assuring her of safety that night.Jax will let nothing harm me.

The general superior lay awake long after his mate succumbed to exhaustion and slumbered. His empty stomach growled, and he promised it a bit of food the next day, even if he had to go hunting. He refused to deny his mate what she needed to survive. Unfortunately, he had no idea how far they were from civilization or even an oasis where they might rest and replenish their meager resources. He knew he’d likely be carrying his mate soon, as her fragile strength would soon be exhausted. He could allow her to die and seek another mate from the human brides or even the few available Ahn’hudi females, but he’d grown fond of the feisty, resourceful human sleeping in his arms. His body wanted her and so did his mind.

He decided she was his true, fated mate, a beautiful gift from Durja and worthy of a full bonding.

Would giving her errant brother a chance for redemption persuade her to accept him? He certainly hoped so and did not feel one bit guilty about using any and every advantage he could.


“Why are we stopping?” Louella asked, her dry, chapped lips cracking as her mouth formed the hoarse words.

Yas’kihn inhaled a deep gulp of air, tasting it on the back of his tongue.Yes, the taste was there, faint but distinct.He exhaled and gave his mate a close-lipped smile. “I scent water.”

Her eyes widened and her expression brightened with hope. “Really?”

He nodded. “Really.” Yas’kihn cocked his head to one side, his sharp golden gaze examining her. “Do you need me to carry you?”

Louella wanted to say that yes, she wanted to be carried because she was so damned tired. Every muscle and joint ached from the exertion of trudging through the deep sand. Her skin felt like it was sizzling under the hot, dry desert sun. But she admitted that Jax had not had it easy, either. After all, he insisted on carrying their makeshift bag of supplies and he’d hardly eaten or drunk anything, insisting she take the lion’s share of their meager rations. So, instead she said, “No, you’re already carrying our supplies.”

He kept that penetrating stare leveled on her.

“I’ll be okay,” she insisted.

Exhaling, he said, “You will let me know when you need to rest, pretty spark.”

“All right.”

They resumed walking. Louella followed the big male, knowing that he slowed his pace to accommodate her slow progress and shorter stride. Eventually, they crested another dune and then another.