Page 95 of Our Bender

If for even a second Tyler wanted to be with Stevie’s mom, I had to back off.

35. Tyler

When I shifted my truck into park in Casey’s snow-covered driveway, I sat for a second, looking at their snowy porch. About five inches of snow had come down throughout the day today, and the snowfall wasn’t letting up any time soon. The kids, and Josie, surely would’ve had a snow day today if it weren’t still break time. But it was super unlike Casey to leave his sidewalk and driveway un-shoveled. He was usually meticulous with his yard.

“Guess it’s now or never, eh?” I made eye contact with Stevie through the rearview mirror.

Stevie unbuckled from the backseat and leaned over the center council. Her face scrunched up as she studied the house. “This is your brother’s house?”


“It’s huge.” Her little voice was laced in awe.

She had a point, it was a monstrous, beautiful, modern farmhouse. They started building here in Brighton, about forty-five minutes from Detroit, right after they found out Addie was pregnant with the twins. They both had the same mental picture of what their life would look like– and that included living on a huge piece of property so they could build a rink in their backyard. Last year, they converted the old barn on their property into a warming area so everyone could lace up their skates without freezing their fingers off. Their whole set-up was amazing.

Stevie pushed her hair behind her ears, which I was starting to notice was a nervous tick of hers, just like it was Fiona’s.

“It is huge,” I confirmed. “But you shoulda seen where we grew up.”

“Why? Was it bigger?” she asked with wide-eyes.

I let out a chuckle as I shook my head. “Absolutely not. It was practically falling apart. But Casey worked hard, and he helped me too. He got that,” I pointed to the house, “by being one of the best hockey players that ever played.”

Her lips twisted as she thought over that information. “Mommy said you were one of the best,” she said simply without looking at me.

That made my heart pang with longing. Because sure, I was mad as hell at Fiona for not telling me about Stevie, but she was still one of the best friends I ever had in this world. I honestly couldn’t wait to talk with Fi and give her a hug one of these days.

“So… They’re my aunt and uncle?” she asked hesitantly, pulling me from my thoughts.

That question made me pause. Fiona was an only child, and she didn’t have a good relationship with her parents. This must’ve been more weird for Stevie than me, and now I was second-guessing bringing her here so soon. “Yeah. Is that okay to meet them right now? They also have twin little boys. They’re younger than you, but they’re fun to play with,” I offered.

Her eyebrows popped up. “I have cousins?”

“Yeah, is that… okay?” I asked, trying to gauge if she thought that was a good or bad thing.

She nodded quickly. “That’s okay. Do they play soccer?”

I regarded her little profile for a second. Why hadn’t I asked her about sports yet? “Doyouplay soccer?”

“Yes. I love soccer,” she gushed.

I grinned. Okay. I could work with that. I played sewey before every game with the guys– a game where we tossed a soccer ball around a circle and tried to keep it from hitting the ground to warm up our muscles. I was definitely comfortable around a soccer ball. “Ya know, the guys and I play with the soccer ball quite a bit before games. We’ll break it out tonight.”

“And play in the house?” she asked skeptically.

“Yeah, why not?” I shrugged.

She shrugged back, trying to look nonchalant, but she had to bite her lip to stop a small smile, and I finally felt like I had a little “in” with her.

She trailed on my heels up the sidewalk and practically hid behind me as I unlocked their front door and let myself in.

“Hey Case!” I called out as I kicked off my snowy boots on their large welcome mat, then waited for Stevie to do the same.

“In the kitchen,” he mumbled back.

Their foyer was a huge open room with dark hardwood floor that led back to a long, farmhouse-looking kitchen and dining room.

Their house was awfully quiet. The boys usually barreled into me as soon as I walked in.