Page 6 of Our Bender

I reluctantly laid down, and when she pulled out the needle, I almost passed out. She cackled obnoxiously.

“It’s not funny,” I complained. “You promise you’ll never smoke again?” I eyed her seriously.

Her mouth dropped open. “I thought this was for a month!”

“No fuckin’ way, Fi,” I said with a humorless chuckle. “You underestimated how scared I am of needles. This is for forever.” I held my hand out to shake hers.

Her shoulders slumped. “But the hole will close up in like a month. Before it was an even deal, a month for a month,” she complained, pouting her lip out.

“Nah, that puppy dog face doesn’t work on me. That needle’s only coming near me if you say never again. Deal?”

She rolled her eyes and reluctantly shook my hand. “Fine. I’ll never smoke again, promise.”

A shit-eating grin slid onto my face.

“Well, you don’t have to look all gloaty about it,” she grumbled.

A laugh popped out of me. “Yes, I do, I’ve been harping on you about this for months, girl.” I closed my eyes and sighed. “Do your worst.”

Seconds later, my ear was in searing pain.

“Ow! Fuck, Fiona,” I shouted as my eyes flew open. “That fucking hurt!”

“Wait! Don’t move! I’m putting an earring in.”

“What?! That wasn’t the deal!” I tried to squirm away, but she grabbed my hand and placed it on her boob, and well, I’m just a man.

As soon as she let go, I grabbed my ear. “That fucking hurt,” I repeated.

Now that she was done, she howled with laughter, shaking a hand in front of her face to dry her tears.

“Jesus. How did you do that so many times?” I stared up at her with wide eyes. “I change my mind, you might actually be crazy. Frickin’ masochist.” I shook my head.

She fought my hand away and held an ice cube to my injured earlobe. “Calm down,” she said, and then she sputtered into another giggle fit. “I’m sorry! Your reaction was priceless. ‘Ow, Fuck, Fiona!’” she mimicked me.

“Seriously?!” I yelled, but now that I was more relaxed, I was fighting off laughing too.

“Good…Good thing,” she wheezed between laughs, “good thing women have to have the babies. We’d go extinct if men had to do it. Damn, that was funny.”

“Yeah, yeah, get all your laughing in, little brat.”

When she finally settled down, she smoothed her free hand over my chest. “Poor Ty-ty. Here I thought hockey players were supposed to be tough about pain. I thought you were gonna cry!”

“Wow, mean,” I complained. “I thought women liked men who can cry. In touch with my emotions and all that,” I countered.

“Nah, we don’t wantemotionalmen per se, we just want y’all to be yourselves and have the ability to understand andhandleemotions. Big difference.”

I tucked her words away to contemplate later.

She leaned over my head and planted a sloppy kiss on my lips, her body fucking shuddering from laughing. “Besides, you should be happy!” she said when she pulled back, patting my cheek. “You’re more my type now.”

That made me pause. “I-I am?” I stuttered.

“Hmm…” her nose crinkled, “not really. But it was worth a try.”

She cackled at my pissed face. I reached up and tickled her sides, her weakness, making her squeal and fall over top of me.

The hole in my ear was tough to explain away to Casey, and I got absolutely roasted for it in the locker room, but I didn’t care. It felt well worth it to me. I’d do anything to help her, to keep a smile on her pretty face.