Page 50 of Our Bender

“So, Josie, the other day-”

She waved me off. “Oh, we don’t have to talk about it,” she said, leaning to hit the elevator button again. I’m not sure we even moved yet.

“No, we do,” I urged. “Because I’m sorry for coming on so strong.” My hands started sweating with anticipation. “I was wondering, could I buy you an apology drink? The guys are going out to The Blitz tonight. Just a friendly neighborhood hang out?”

She bit her lip. “I’m sorry, but I’m actually going on a date tonight.”

My composure slipped. “Wait really?”

Her jaw angled to the side and she propped her hands on her hips. “What? Like it’s surprising to you that I’d be asked out, Jettersen?”

“Oh, no, no, no. I didn’t mean it like that, I just mean…” My face scrunched in frustration. “I mean, fuck, how did someone beat me to it?” I forced out an uncomfortable laugh. “You were just sick in bed.”

Her cheeks pinked up again. “The doctor,” she said quietly, looking away. “Have we even moved yet? What’s going on with this elevator?” She smacked the lobby button a few more times.

I scratched my cheek, trying hard to look unaffected, but her words hit me like a sucker punch to the gut. Ifucking knewthat guy was trying to make a move on her. “Well, where are you going with him? You should probably tell someone for safety reasons.”

With a sudden jolt, the elevator finally started moving. She leaned back against the railing. “He said I could pick.” She blew out a sigh and her shoulders sagged. She was silent for a beat, and then, “Maybe that Pops place you’re so fond of.”

My jaw clenched. That was a low blow.Myfavorite food spot?Seriously?But when I met her eyes again, they practically twinkled mischievously, likeah ha, got him.

I took a step closer to her and could practically feel the heat simmering between us.How the hell could she say I wasn’t her type?I licked my lips. “I see how it is. You trying to push my buttons, Josephina?”

Her eyebrows flew up in amusement. “Josephina?”

“Yes, Josephina,” I said with a swift nod. “What time are you gonna be back? You should tell someone so they know to look out for you.”

“Um okay, Dad.” She rolled her eyes. “No, I don’t have to tell anyone. That’s why I moved-”

The elevator shook violently, cutting her off. She released a high-pitched yelp and lost her balance. My arm automatically jutted out to catch her around the waist, and my heart pounded as the elevator rocked.

Josie continued gripping my arm for dear life even after the elevator finally stilled. A second later, the lights cut out.

“Fuck,” I muttered in the dark. I went to straighten up, but she held me in place, her nails digging into my arm.

“Wait, Tyler,” her voice was laced in panic.

“One second,” I said calmly. “Just dropping my bag.” She held onto me as I slouched my bag off my shoulder.

“Check your phone,” I directed her. I pulled mine out of my pocket. No service. I flicked on my phone’s flashlight and she clung to me as I moved slowly to the elevator’s button panel. I hit the little call button. It buzzed a few times, and I sent up a quick prayer that someone,anyone,would answer.

“Heyyyyyllo,” a raspy voice finally answered.

Josie lightly whimpered, which took me by surprise. She didn’t seem like the type that got shooken up very easily. I gave her arm a comforting squeeze.

“Hey man, we’re trapped in The Stratford’s elevator.”

“Shit, we just repaired that one. Not to worry, we’ll be there in a few. Just hang tight. Everyone doing alright?”

I eyed Josie a little uneasily. She wasn’t necessarily “alright.” I cleared my throat. “We’re good,” I said with conviction, trying to steady her nerves.

The other end of the line clicked off. Damn. I was hoping he’d stay on the line with us.

“OhmyGod, OhmyGod, OhmyGod,” Josie murmured with wide eyes while pacing the small space.

“Hey, it’s okay,” I said in a soothing tone. I rubbed my hands up and down her arms. “We’re fine. We’re probably on the ground, we were only moving one floor down. This elevator’s always screwing up.”

“This has happened to you before?!” she practically shrieked.