Page 132 of Our Bender

That broke the tension. My whole team started busting up laughing. I covered my face and my shoulders shook with laughter. I think my body forgot what it felt like to laugh until that minute. The judge didn’t quite know what to make of all of it.

She banged her gavel to quiet everyone. “I mean, is it true that you were going to visit him one day?” she clarified.

“Oh,” Stevie waved her hand in front of her like that wasn’t a big deal, “yeah. She said maybe after my ninth birthday because then I’d be old enough to decide for myself.”

The judge went back to taking notes, but a minute later, Stevie tapped on her desk and whispered something to her.

55. Josie

The judge whispered with Stevie for what felt like five full minutes, then she nodded and Stevie got to her feet.

As soon as Stevie climbed down from the witness stand, she ran to Tyler and squeezed between him and his lawyer on the bench. Tyler brushed her hair back and dropped a kiss on the top of her head.

“I think what Miss Stevie had to say was very enlightening. I’m awarding full custody of Stephanie Tyler Haley to Mr. Tyler Jettersen.” she said with a bang of her gavel.

The courtroom erupted in applause and hoots and hollers from all the hockey boys. For me, it was like a damn broke inside me and tears of happiness streamed down my face.

“Wait just one minute there, you hoity-toity judge bitch!” Rhonda screeched. “What about back child support? My daughter had to raise her with no help.”

The judge’s face hardened. “I can tell what kind of person you are just by that question. You argue more about back support than my decision pertaining to custody.” She shook her head in disgust. “And that was your daughter who supported Stevie, not you. Stevie has also made me aware that she overheard you talking about your plans to sell off her mother’s paintings. Those are not your property. I’m ordering them to be seized and handed over to Miss Stevie Haley immediately.

Tyler whispered down to Stevie and held her in a tighter embrace. He briefly lifted an arm to wipe his shiny face and his head tipped toward the ceiling in relief.

I think everyone in the courtroom was tearing up a little over the sight of the two of them together.

As they walked out of the courtroom holding hands, Stevie said, “Let’s go home.” Then she held a hand out to me. “You too, Josie, c’mon!”



She was practically shivering in here. Damnit. I wanted everything to be perfect, but this was not starting out well. I rubbed a hand over my jaw, feeling miffed by this complication. I should’ve warned her to put a jacket over her cute spaghetti-strap dress, but I was never one to think about having her cover up. Hell, I loved that dress. And I usually had my jacket to give her, but I stupidly dressed in a polo shirt to look nice today.

Jeez, I needed to calm the fuck down. My thoughts were racing.

“You cold?” I asked. Thinking quickly, I shook out the cloth napkin that was folded into the shape of some kind of bird. “Well, you’re in luck. They gave us tiny blankets, babe. You can have mine too.” I shot her a wink.

Amusement flashed in her eyes. “Tiny blankets?”

I shrugged and felt the smile pulling at my lips. I was always smiling around her, I couldn’t help it.

She accepted my tiny blanket and put it on her lap. “I’m only taking yours because I know you never use your napkin anyways,” she said, giving me a conspiratorial grin. That was correct. My girl knew me well.

The waiter, dressed in a fancy-pants, three-piece suit, wandered over to our candle-lit, white table-clothed table. “Good evening, may I offer you a choice between S. Pellegrino and Aqua Panna?”

I tried to read his face. Between what and what? I eyed Josie to see if she understood.

“Water,” she whispered helpfully.

“Uh, the free kind?” I blurted out, then immediately put a fist to my mouth.Should not have said that aloud, dude, I chastised myself.

The waiter pursed his lips, unimpressed.

Josie started giggling across the table. “We’ll take the Aqua Panna. No sparkling water for us. Thank you,” she said graciously.

The waiter nodded and swiftly walked away.

“Thank you,” I whispered to her, pulling a face. “Who knew there were different kinds of waters?”