Page 103 of Our Bender

Right at that second, Tyler caught my eye and grinned, shooting a shock of attraction straight to my core.

39. Josie

I didn’t hear from Stevie or Tyler again until Monday night.

I paused while applying a face mask, because I thought I heard voices echoing in the hallway. Slipping on my old ratty slippers, I quickly shuffled to the door feeling weirdly thankful for my apartment’s thin walls for once. Leaning against my door, I smiled at the sound of little girl giggles mixed with Tyler’s husky chuckle.

“This is how you do it,” she said in a bossy whisper. “I promise,” she implored.

“Really? You sure?” Tyler whispered back.

“Yes, drop it already!”

A second later, Tyler asked, “Okay, ready?”

“Yes,” she giggled.

There was a quick knock on my door, then the sounds of running away and laughter filled the hallway, and I couldn’t help but laugh along with them. Their fun together was contagious.

After a minute, I cracked open the door and my heart squeezed. On my welcome mat was a tray of messy homemade cupcakes along with a little note. In Tyler’s handwriting, it said: “Do you like me? Check yes or no.” And in little kid handwriting underneath, it read: “Do you want to hang out with me tomorrow night? Check yes or no.”

I knew this was his way of asking me to watch her so he could pick out some Christmas presents for her, but tears immediately welled up in my eyes because of how cute and thoughtful it was… And over how they wanted me.


“So, where is he going?” Stevie asked, mushing cookie dough with her little hands on my counter covered with cooking wax paper. Christmas Eve was tomorrow, and I knew Tyler would probably forget about the cookies for Santa, so we took matters into our own hands, just in case.

“I told you, I’m not allowed to tell,” I said, giving her a little hip check.

Her face lit up with a secret excited smile. “He’s getting me a Christmas present, isn’t he?” she whispered with a giggle.

“Ugh! I can’t ruin the surprise!” I said, throwing my arms up.

She giggled harder. She was about to inquire more, but she was cut off by a knock on the door.

“I invited Claire if that’s okay with you? Remember her from the game?” I asked as I strode over to answer it.

I threw the door open to let her in, then went back to the cookie mix. We were in desperate need of more dough because of the amount of chocolate chips Stevie kept adding to the mix.

“Hiya guys,” Claire said, tossing her backpack and sleeping bag on the ground. We were having an old-fashioned slumber party tonight to give Tyler enough time to shop and get all the presents wrapped up. The boys were also instructed to erect a Christmas tree tonight so Stevie could help decorate it with them tomorrow.

Stevie paused what she was doing and eyed Claire curiously. “Are you sad?”

I froze for a beat, surprised by how perceptive Stevie was, because Claire did look kind of down.

“Is Duke still in the doghouse or all good on that front?” I asked, leaning back to look at her. She had on a matching yoga set and her pale pink hair was pulled into a low pony, but her eyes looked tired, like she hadn’t been sleeping.

“Eh… We’re fine. It’s just me, ya know?” She grimaced. “I still haven’t found my stride,” she said as she made her way into the kitchen. “Whatcha making?”

“Cookies!” Stevie announced proudly.

Claire reached between us and swiped some dough on her finger to lick. “Mmmm, excellent work, team.”

Stevie’s head snapped my way. “I thought you said I couldn’t lick the dough!”

I hooked a thumb toward Claire. “She can get salmonella all she wants, but if you got it from this, I think Tyler would kill me.”

“Plus, why risk ruining your Christmas with stomach problems, girlie?” Claire added.