Page 78 of Our Bender

“Tyler’s girl,” Duke threw back.

“Elevator girl!?” Campbell asked.

“Yes,” I bit out harshly, trying to shut down any further questioning. “And her name is Josie.” My hard work finally landed me a chance with her and I only gotonefucking morning. Duke seemed determined to blow it for me before we even started.

“Well, we’re not invited,” TJ declared. “I started getting ready to go with Ellie and she stopped me.”

“Fix it with Claire, dude. You’re affecting all of us now,” Reggie said to Duke.

“Great,” Duke said sarcastically, then eyed me. “What do we do?”

“I know what we should do… Stop being so girl crazy and play the fucking game,” Campbell complained.

“Oooh, someone’s on the outs with Quinn,” Whitty teased. “And I heard she’s going to this little apartment party too.”

“Shut up,” Campbell breathed out, but then he added. “Are you serious?”

“Yeah, it’s right here on my snapchat. She’s definitely with the rest of the girls.”

“Why the fuck is my girl on your snapchat?” Campbell threw back tersely.

“Um, duh? She’s my friend,” Whitty retorted. “I hear all her gossip these days, and I heard she’s notyourgirl anymore.”

That got Campbell riled up. “You don’t know a damn–”

“Wait… I have an idea,” I cut in. “We can’t ambush them,” I shot a look of annoyance at Duke. “We need to join strategically. You guys who aren’t in the doghouse go first. Bring in food. She’s apartment 202. There’s no way they have good food, prolly just that charcootie shit, if anything. Bring the good greasy stuff, get pizza or something. Now here’s what’s really important: we need you guys to go in there and be super caring. Love up on your girls. Grab their asses, whisper in their ears, lean in doorways, and look at them like you’re undressing with your eyes. All the things girls love. Make Claire miss Duke.”

Everyone was silent for a minute.

“Wait, girls like when we lean in doorways?” Campbell asked.

I sighed. Tonight was a lost cause.

“What are you getting in all this?” Reggie finally asked skeptically.

I shrugged even though he couldn’t see me. “Josie loves that romance stuff and I want her to want me.”

“Don’t have to tell me twice,” Whitty said, and then we could hear him bounding down the stairs.

A minute later we heard him say, “Heya Claire, you look different tonight. Do something with your hair?” He let out a relaxed chuckle.

Duke’s eyes bulged. “Different?” he mouthed at me.

“This is a girls’ night,” we all heard Claire yell through his headset.

“I already told you! Girls only, Whitty! You’re banished!” Suzie chimed in, and then a door slammed on him.

“You guys hear that?” Whitty grumbled.

“Yeah, Claire’s voice sounded tipsy already,” Duke said, throwing down the controller.

“Uh… guys… Char’s putting on her red bottom shoes. She’s not staying at no apartment party, boys. She’s goin’ out tonight,” Reggie whispered.


“Find out where she’s going,” I advised. “For safety.”

“Yeah, add for safety,” Duke said.