Page 71 of Our Bender

I moved our takeout boxes away. “Makes sense.” I could’ve guessed his birthday was toward the beginning of the year. Hockey players grew up competing against other kids in their birth year, and it’s always assumed that gave the older guys a leg up. If you looked at an NHL roster, you’d notice most players were born between January and March, but there were definitely underdogs in the league proving that theory wrong.

He arched a skeptical eyebrow “Does it?”

“Yes, you’re very passionate, strong-willed, you love the chase, you love to be number one, which is clearly apparent with hockey. And…”


“You’re kind of domineering,” I teased.

A wolfish grin slid on his face, and in a second, he pulled my body down and he was overtop of me, sucking and kissing my neck.

“Ow!” I cackled, playfully shoving his head away.

He buried his arms under me to hold my waist and laid his head on my stomach, spreading out on the bed. “What’s your sign?”

“Gemini,” I responded.

He lifted his head and eyed me fearfully. “Aren’t gemini’s crazy?”

“No, jerk.” I swatted his head. “It means sometimes I’m super introverted and chill, sometimes I–”

“Sometimes you snap.” He nodded. “Called it. And baby, I loved that crazy you displayed in that dickbag’s apartment. Hot as hell.”

“Oh shush.” I waved his words away, laughing. “I think our signs are pretty compatible actually.”

He sighed dramatically and laid his head back on my stomach. “Been sayin’ that for years, babe,” he said exaggeratingly, making me chuckle. He had a way of making me feel completely light and happy. I ran my fingers through his hair, and he nestled further into me. I wondered if he’d act all cuddly and affectionate like this in front of his boys or if he was just like this because it was only us.

“Okay, what’s something you hate?” I asked.

“Change,” he answered immediately.

My eyebrows popped up. “That was fast.”

He smirked sheepishly and shrugged his large shoulders. “I thought I had everything perfect before, butnowI have everything perfect.” He lifted my shirt and smacked a noisy, messy kiss on my stomach, tickling me in the process. “What’s something you hate?” he asked.

I pondered it for a moment. “Storms.”

“Really? That surprises me. I like falling asleep to the sound.”

I shuddered. “Absolutely not. It wasn’t bad when I lived at home, but I have a feeling I’ll really hate living alone when the next storm hits.”

He hugged me tighter. “Nah, I promise I’ll keep you company.”

A giddy smile tugged at my lips.

“I have a question for you, and the answer is very important…” he drawled.

“Oh?” I smoothed a thumb over his bushy eyebrow.

“Favorite movie?”

I rolled my eyes. “Well, I know what you’re going to say.”

“Me? I asked you,” he pointed out.

“Yeah, but every millennial guy thinksThe Dark Knightis a masterpiece.”

His body froze.