Page 61 of Our Bender

Lisa shrugged. “Why not just make out with him or sleep with him? Get it out of your system?”

Suzie, Sabrina, and I all looked at her with our mouths dropped open.

“Hey, just because I’m a responsible forty-year-old mother does not mean I wasn’t in your shoes not so long ago!” she said, wagging her finger at us.

“Well… I kinda tried that,” I said, feeling my cheeks burn.

Suzie almost spit out her drink next to me, and Sabrina cracked up laughing.

“I’m sorry, but what?!” Suzie sputtered. “I never would’ve guessed you’d say that!”

I rolled my eyes. “I didn’t sleep with him… I, uh, offered, and he turned me down,” I admitted.

Suzie frowned. “Really?”

Lisa arched a curious eyebrow. “Why? Kind of a rarity for a guy to turn it down.”

“Yeah, well, he did.” I took another large gulp of my drink, feeling the slight sting of embarrassment over confiding this information. “Because he wants a date first,” I said quietly.

“Okay… Well, that’s actually very sweet,” Sabrina pointed out.

“No, he’s not sweet!” I exclaimed. “He’s frustrating. And cocky, and a hockey player.”

“Okay, are those complaints?” Lisa asked dubiously. “Sign me up. Just don’t tell my husband I said that,” she joked.

Suzie’s eyes flashed. “Wait, a hockey player? Maybe he knows my boyfriend. We’ll ask when he comes.”

Oh God,I internally groaned. Her boyfriend would definitely know him…The hockey world was way too small. I honestly had no doubt in my mind that Tyler knew my ex as well, a thought that made me squirm uncomfortably.

“You need to get out of your head,” Lisa announced. “Every time you think of him, we do shots!”

“Oh no, I will never admit that I’m thinking about him,” I fired back.

“Okay, then we do shots anyway because you are way too tense right now and it’s finally our night,” she said, standing from the table to wander over to the bar.

When Lisa came back to the table with a bunch of shots, I looked at them doubtfully, but the girls urged me to take part in the cheers.

I was never really a shots person, I was a sip-on-one-cocktail-all-night kind of person, but after downing a shot or two, I was feeling light and floaty… and then I got the bright idea to tell Suzie about how Tyler had an unofficial drink named after him here. Suzie convinced me we needed to try them for “research purposes.” And that’s how both of us ended up double-fisting very strong, very green drinks called “The Tyler Springs.”

“So, how did this come about?” Suzie asked Adrienne, the Blitz’s bartender.

Adrienne flipped her long, pitch-black hair over her tattooed shoulder. “Well,” she gave us a wicked smile, “did you guys catch Tyler Jettersen’s whole ‘Go Your Own Way’ locker room performance on social media?”

Suzie’s mouth dropped open as she stared at me. “TylerJettersenis your boy?”

Now Adrienne was looking at me with more interest. I needed to shut this down. “He isnotmy boy,” I said firmly.

“Oh whatever, you know what I mean,” Suzie said, waving away my concern. “He’s teammates withmyguy.”

“Who’s your guy?!” I asked desperately. Teammates were a totally different kind of connection than just knowing each other. This was a little too close for comfort. How had I not known that?

“Charles Whittman,” she said. “He plays for the Crewmen.”

I gave her a confused look, because I had never heard that name before.

She rolled her eyes. “Whitty?”

“Ohhh.” My dad only ever referred to the guys by their nicknames. My sober brain would’ve probably put two-and-two together. “Wow, learn something new everyday,” I said, then hiccuped.