Page 56 of Our Bender

My face faltered. I’d kind of forgotten about Coach’s “no funny business” warning until right then. But honestly, that didn’t change anything in my mind. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. The world was practically throwing us together. School. Campus Martius. Our apartment building. There were so many signs, ithadto mean something. The actual fucking spark when we touched… it was impossible to forget. And the way she leaned against me to gather her bearings after the elevator fiasco? I felt like her hero, like I actually meant something to her and could help center her. It wasn’t every day that you found that kind of comfort; I just had to convince her of that. Because I couldn’t just move on and try for a different girl, not when I knew she was the one.

“I’m not some bad guy,” I said defensively.

“No.” Casey cocked his head to the side. “And Coach probably knows that, but it still might be kinda bumpy.”

“Whatever,” I muttered. “Are you gonna help me or do I have to go find Griff?” My teammate Griff was also known for doling out solid advice.

He laughed. “He might have better advice, but I’ll give it a shot. Just remember, this is all your choice, and I did warn you.” He held his hands up in innocence. “So, she’s a teacher, right?”

I rested my chin on the butt of my stick. “Yeah.”

“Teaching is an exhausting job. It’s like coaching, butall day long, and on top of that, you have to always be on and be nice.” He paused, gathering his thoughts. “She’s like a one-woman show, a captain of the ship if you will, for eight long hours every day while having to deal with little shits like you were back in the day.”

“Hey, I-”

“Um, do not argue against that. Remind me, how many detentions did you get?” he deadpanned.

“They weren’t all my fault,” I grumbled. Besides, I had a feeling that if I would’ve had more teachers like Josie, things wouldn’t have gotten so bad.

“So, maybe if she’s used to always being in control, you have to be more patient with her.” Casey shrugged. “Addie’s super independent, and I had to learn to be patient and just let her know I was a strong, protective presence there for her when she was ready. Even today, I stand down and let her do things her way until she comes to me.”

“Interesting,” I drawled. “But you weren’t competing with anyone when you were trying to win her over. Not sure I can be patient when she’s literally going out with another dude right now.”

He rolled his lip between his teeth. “Tough. But I’d still play the long game. Hold out. Patience, brother.” His heavy hand fell on my shoulder. “And then when you do get a chance, I’d go all out.”

I took in the hum of the rink around me and fell into my own thoughts. Yes, Josie was the captain of her own metaphorical ship all day… but didn’t that mean she wanted to hand over the steering wheel at night? I think I’d shown her I was a patient and protective presence already, then again, I basically had to boss her into letting me help her. And weren’t those the times when her eyes darted to my lips? When I demanded that she let me help her? The only times I felt a little slip in her bossy front was when I took charge. And, thinking back to her in the elevator only confirmed my way of thinking, because I definitely detected aslight bit of disappointment when she mentioned she had to pick out where she and the doctor were going to eat on their dumbass date. That made me feel pretty confident it wasn’t going to work out with Doctor Grey’s Anatomy.

Josie wanted a leader, I was sure of it, now I just needed to prove I could be one for her. I needed to-

My thoughts were interrupted when the goalie glided into the boards and barfed over the side.

I choked on a gag and had to turn away.

“Jackson!” my brother yelled at the goalie. “Take a seat. Get some water.”

“Can’t they be done yet?” Duke complained. I knew from skating with him for years that hehatedsuicides.

Case turned his attention to him. “Shut it or I’ll make you skate too,” he said, which made Duke quickly snap his mouth shut.

“Isn’t this a little much though?” I asked my brother. His team was looking ragged.

His face flinched. “They won’t stop fighting. One more fight and I’m off the bench for three games. They need to get it together.”

“We’re dyin’ Coach!” a kid yelled as he passed us.

Casey rolled his eyes then finally blew his whistle three times, signaling the end of practice.


When I got back from practice, I pulled the couch over to the window so I could play video games and also keep an eye out for Josie.

I told myself I was doing it to make sure she got home alright, because I really didn’t trust that doctor guy, but the other reason was that I wanted to see her again tonight.

Around 10pm, I got my wish. Unfortunately, Hassik and Garcia were also loudly wandering into our loft right then.

“Dude, why’s the couch all the way over there?” Garcia complained.

“Shh!” I warned them. Within seconds, they were by my side, leaning against our window next to me.