Page 47 of Our Bender

“Ya gotta stop thinking about it. Let’s talk about something else,” I suggested, leaning forward to rest my elbows on my knees.

“Okay, like what?”

“What’re your plans for your winter break?”And would you be down if I asked you on a date?I mentally tacked on.

She shrugged. “Not much. We have Teachers Get Trashed night on Wednesday.”

“What’s that?” I laughed. “Sounds fun.”

“Ya know, I’ve never actually gone before, but I’m looking forward to it. Apparently everyone just gets together and gets trashed because we’ve made it halfway through the school year. I’ve always heard the stories after and they’re pretty funny.”

“Interesting. Well, you better rest up and get re-hydrated if ya wanna be ready. Why haven’t you gone before?”

She shrugged. “Because I lived at home. Kinda weird to come back sloshed, ya know?”

I shook my head. “Nah, I really don’t know. I’ve called Casey to pick me up from the bar plenty of times. That’s actually how I got him and his wife together.”

She looked at me skeptically. “Wait, really?”

“Oh yeah,” I laughed. “Saw her across the bar, pretended to be drunk off my ass and need help, then Casey came charging in to save me, sees her, completely forgets I even exist. The rest is history”

“Wow,” she nodded, looking perplexed, “that’s good wing-man work.”

I brushed off my shoulder and smiled. “Thank you very much, Miss Josie. Where are you guys going for the big teacher night?”

“I think that Blitz bar… you know that one?”

“Ha! Do I know that one? Of course I do. That’s our bar.”

She looked at me dubiously. “Who’s bar?”

“The Crewmen,” I laughed. “We go there after every game. They even have an unofficial drink named after me.”

“What?” she exclaimed with a smile on her face. “Are you serious? What kind of drink? And how does that even happen?”

“Well, it actually wasn’t my finest moment, but I take pride in it now. Ya know how we lost last year in the conference finals? Well-”

I swallowed the rest of my sentence because the doctor chose that minute to walk in, and the smile immediately dropped from my face. Becauseof fucking coursethey’d send the best looking guy in here to save the day like we were living in some kind ofGrey’s Anatomyepisode. He had to be about 6’5 with bright green eyes and a fucking glowing smile.

I quickly looked at Josie’s profile and immediately knew she was thinking the same thing.

He leaned forward to shake her hand. “Doctor Jaxon. But you can call me Jeff,” he said with a charming smile.

Josie was looking all daydreamy as she smiled and nodded at him.Damnit.I breathed out, trying to calm myself. It wasn’t his fault he was a male model, he was just trying to do his job, I reminded myself.

“So,” Model Doc looked at his clipboard, “Josephina,” he looked back up with his bright eyes. “What’s going on today?”

Two thoughts hit me at once. One, I’m not sure why it never occurred to me that “Josie” could be short for something. And two, I had to bite back my urge to say,what the fuck do you think? Because the big Bandaid on her head was pretty obvious.

14. Josie

“She bumped her head,” Tyler spoke, standing up and seemingly puffing his chest.

I looked at him in confusion before turning back to the doctor. “Yeah, I unfortunately have the flu and was feeling pretty weak when I got up too fast and fell. I cut my head on my coffee table,” I explained.

Tyler stood close to my bed while the doctor came closer to inspect my cut, but he turned his head before the doctor revealed any blood.

“Well, if you have the flu, should this gentleman really be standing so close? Unless you live together?” Dr. Jeff asked.