Page 43 of Our Bender

“Gotcha.” I was surprised to hear all that about him. I assumed he was just like every other hockey player– meaning Garrett– who grew up with parents who helped him make it to the NHL. I had a theory that’s why so many players ended up kind of egocentric– everything was always focused on them and their hockey. They grew up as the star of the show, and it seemed like some of them thrived on that mindset and never gave it up.

But… apparently not Tyler.

He wanted to know what it was like to have a curfew and to receive fatherly advice. Looking at him on my counter now, I felt the urge to give him a hug.

I swallowed. “Well, yeah, my dad was tough, but he was fair. He always listened to all sides of an argument before dishing out discipline. And he did his best to always show up for us when he could. Skating competitions, art fairs, choir concerts, soccer games. He tried to come to it all.”

“That’s really nice,” he said quietly.

I nodded.

He gave me a lopsided grin then. “You can’t be mad at him for having me come check on you. He was really worried.”

I shifted slightly. “I should probably call him back.”

“Nah,” he pointed to the Gatorade. “Drink more. I texted him.”

“Well that’s not weird at all,” I quipped back.

He shrugged. “It’s really not.”

I sighed and looked down at my ratty robe over my pj’s, remembering what my mom said about not going around my apartment looking like a hot mess. I instantly regretted not listening to her. “I cannot believe you’re seeing me like this right now.”

He laughed. “You’re fine. You’re the prettiest sick person I’ve ever seen, Josie.”

I rolled my eyes. “Nice try, but you gagged at the sight of me, hot shot.”

“Hey, I only gagged because I wasn’t prepared to see blood. But you’re obviously in a vulnerable position right here, so how about I tell you a secret and then we’ll be even?”

Well… I was never one to turn down a secret. “Deal.”

He looked down at his socks and the tips of his ears turned a little red. “Your dad actually called me and told me to send one of the other boys down because I’m all… ya know.”

My eyebrows scrunched together. “So why–”

He eyed me for a split second with a little grin playing on his lips before looking away again. “Couldn’t stand the thought of them helping you.”

I paused for a second at that, then chose self-deprecation to make the situation lighter. “What, you were afraid of them being near the crazy girl who trashes guys’ apartments?”

“No. That fucker deserved what he got and so much more.” He snorted like he was disgusted. “Good work by the way.” And from the serious look in his eyes, I could tell his words were sincere.

I took a deep breath, feeling oddly relieved to hear that opinion coming from a guy.

“Nah, I just didn’t wanna risk them coming down here and falling for you.”

My whole body froze.Did I hear him right? What did that mean? That he liked me himself?

He hopped off my counter and wandered into the doorway again. “Okay, I’m gonna look at that cut in one minute.” He started doing some… air squats? Then he swiftly punched himself in the jaw a couple times.

A laugh actually bubbled up inside me. “What are you doing?”

He shook out his arms then cracked his neck both ways. “Gearing myself up, duh,” he said with a grin. His phone timer started beeping and he quickly switched it off. “Okay,” he walked closer to me on the toilet seat. “Lemme look.”

“Nope,” I wagged my finger at him. “I think it stopped. I really am fine.”

A stubborn look overtook his face. “Why can’t I look then?”

“Because you’re just gonna barf,” I argued.