Page 31 of Our Bender

“I’m just-”

“Tyler Jettersen? Is that you?” a female voice interrupted us.

We both looked over to see the teacher in question leaning over the boards in her rink monitor jacket.

She pointed an accusing finger directly at me. “There’s a lot of kids out here. Youbetternot forget what I said,” she ordered in a very authoritative teacher voice before skating off.

Addie died laughing. I dropped my head in my hands and groaned.

After lacing up my own skates, I helped Beau tie up his teeny ones.

“The bunny ears and the double knot, okay?” his raspy little voice asked.

“Definitely, dude,” I confirmed while fixing his laces. I loved that Casey was sharing the ice with his sons just like he shared it with me.

When we were all done, Casey led Ty to the rink, while I followed behind with Beau.

The boys immediately ran out on the ice, not caring who was near them or that the rink was pretty packed. I cringed as they zipped through people struggling to stand straight.

“Dude, they’re gonna get us thrown off,” I whispered to Casey.

He ran his tongue over the teeth of his closed mouth, trying to cover for the fact that he was secretly proud his boys were tearing it up. He made eye contact with his wife then. Addie made a little motion toward her phone, wordlessly saying she wanted a picture.

“Boys,” he called out, motioning them over. They immediately slushed their way to us.

We whisked up a twin each and skated to the boards to grant Addie a picture.

“You guys gotta be careful out here. Don’t wanna take anyone out,” I warned them.

“You got tooken out!” Beau accused, causing Ty to go into a giggling fit.

I cocked an eyebrow at Casey, who was struggling not to laugh as well. “Some discipline, here?”

“Well, you did get tooken out,” he said with a shrug. He released his twin. “Let them live a little,” he said.

I released the kid I was holding and casually skated around the edge of the rink with Case. I wished I could say it was relaxing, but the whole time, I was hyper aware of where Miss Josie was at all times.

“What’s with you?” my brother finally asked.

“What do you mean?”

“You seem tense,” Case said.

I shrugged, but my eyes gave me away.

“Ah,” Casey let his head fall back, “Finally!”

“What?” I shoved him.

“What’s her name?” his eyes glinted at the prospect of some good gossip.

“Shut up, there isn’t a ‘her,’” I snapped too fast.

“Yes,” he chuckled, “‘Her’ is very clearly the rink monitor with the red scarf. I’m not stupid. What’s her name?”

“Dude, I’m not-”

“Oh shit,” Casey cut me off. “Was that my kid’s voice?”