Page 136 of Our Bender

Addie cried out again and panic lodged in my chest. I hated seeing her in so much pain.

“You sure you’re alright?”

“Yes, now tell me the plan,” she demanded.

“Okay, well,” I rubbed my jaw, “I was thinking about crashing a school assembly one of these days. Feels right since the first time I met her was at school. And I’d like her kids to be hyping me up. I don’t think she’d be able to crush their little hearts by saying no to me,” I chuckled.

Her eyebrows pinched together. “Oh wow, I love that so much,” she gushed. “That’s definitely more your guys’ vibe. Good–” she was cut off by the sound of water tinkling on the hardwood floor.

I looked down to see that it was soaking my socks. “Addie…” I lifted my wet foot. “Is that… Is this…” My nose wrinkled. “Did you just pee on me?”

Her eyes widened. “Oh my God. Was that my water?”

“Are you askingme?!” My stomach lurched. I covered my mouth. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, Casey!” I gagged. “We need help!”

Addie reached forward and grabbed my shirt in her fist. “So help me God, if you throw up right now, I will end your ass, Tyler,” she screeched. “Help me up.”

“Okay, okay.” I reached for her hands and craned my neck not to look at the ground.

“Fucking breathe!” she screamed at me. I had a feeling that’s what I was supposed to be telling her, but I couldn’t exactly think straight.

As soon as she was standing, there was a woosh of water spewed all over the ground.

My brother finally ran in the room. His hands found his head and it looked like he’d just been punched in the gut. “Oh my God, I told you they weren’t braxton hicks!”

“Well I know that now!” Addie seethed.

“See, didn’t I tell you?” Casey was saying to me now. “Her whole independent woman thing can backfire because she never wants to ask for help.”

“Now is not the time!” Addie growled at him with a murderous glare.

Casey pushed me aside and grabbed his wife’s hands. “Okay, let’s get to the car.”

“No, no, no,” Addie whimpered, gingerly sitting back on the couch. “I don’t think I can do it.” Tears streamed down her face as another contraction hit.

Casey was looking at her helplessly, trying to mutter directions to her, and I felt horrible for them.

“I don’t wanna have this baby in the car, Casey,” she said weakly.

“Honey,” he smoothed her hair back, “we can get to the hospital,” he said with conviction. “I promise. I’ll drive fast.”

“No!” She frantically shook her head. “The baby’s coming now. It’s happeningright now.Call 911.”

His eyes darted around. “Right now?”

She nodded urgently.

“Right now. Right now,” he repeated as if in shock, then he fumbled with his phone to dial 911.

The kids were suddenly in the den’s doorway, watching with horrified faces.

“What’s going on…” Josie’s sentence died away as soon as she saw what was happening. She marched forward and shoved the platter of steaks at me. “Go take the kids back to the kitchen. Why are you wet?”

“I don’t… I don’t feel so good.” My stomach lurched again.

“Just go,” she ordered, then she rushed to Addie’s side.

I made my way through the doorway and urged the kids to follow me, but the twin’s looked terrified.