Page 130 of Our Bender

“Stephanie Tyler Haley,” she enunciated. Rhonda flashed a smug smirk at me. “But my friends call me Stevie,” she announced.

John’s large hand landed on my neck and he forced me to look straight ahead instead of at Rhonda and Earl.

“Okay, may I call you Stevie?” the judge asked.

My little girl twisted her lips and cocked her head to the side. She had no fear in her voice when she said, “That depends…”

Her eyebrows popped up at her response. “On?”

She squinted at her. “Are you going to let me live with my Dad?”

I couldn’t help but crack a little grin, to which John elbowed me to knock it off.

The judge’s lips curved up in an amused smirk. “Why don’t you come up to the witness stand so we can chat a little.”

Stevie let out a little huff before scampering up to the stand.

“How old are you, honey?” the judge started.

“Eight. I turn nine in February.”

“Do you enjoy school or any other extracurricular activities?”

Stevie sucked on her top lip, thinking for a second. “I do like school, but I’m getting a little tired of asking questions.”

I leaned forward, concerned now.

“What do you mean?”

She made a big show of sighing. “Well, most of the kids are scared to ask the teacher questions, so they tell me their questions at recess so I can ask them because I’m not afraid of Miss Kelly.”

Damn. Listening to her say that reminded me so much of Fiona. She’d throw down for the underdogs and I’d never forget her punching that Bradley kid in the face for making fun of my reading ability. I was so proud that my daughter was just like her.

“And you’re annoyed about this?” the judge inquired.

She shrugged. “I guess not really anymore. I like helping my friends. And Josie told Miss Kelly about it and Miss Kelly is trying to be nicer to everyone now.”

“Well that’s good.”

“Yeah. My mom said to make sure to help people in school because people have problems that you don’t know about.”

Her words punched me right in the chest. I wished so badly I could talk to Fiona again. Even just for a moment, so I could thank her. For everything.

“That’s good. Sounds like your mom was smart,” the judge said.

Stevie’s chin quivered and it just about killed me. She chose to nod instead of speaking.

“What about other activities? Do you enjoy anything else?”

“My mom taught me art. Josie said her mom can start teaching me too.Hermom taughtmymom, can you believe it?” she smiled excitedly.

The judge, along with some of my teammates behind me, chuckled. “And who is Josie?”

Stevie pointed to Josie in the courtroom. “My dad’s girlfriend,” she whispered, and a tiny smile pulled at her lips. “Well, Ithinkshe’s his girlfriend,” she added with raised eyebrows. “They hold hands and dance together. And I seen them kiss a few times. Oh! And my dad said I can try out for soccer in the spring. I want to do that too.”

The judge made a few notes, and I started sweating, really hoping she was writing good things. “Okay Stevie, do you know why we are here and talking today?”

Stevie nodded.