"This okay?" he asked.

"It’s great. Did you have an okay time? I know it’s weird to meet a bunch of people you don’t know."

"No, it was wonderful. I love your friends. Thank you for introducing me to them. Zachary’s coming to my workshop. I can’t wait to ask him about …"

And Cassidy was off, chatting about the conversations he’d had with each of River’s friends.

"I’m so glad you liked them."

"If they’re important to you then they’re important to me. And I liked them all."

"Gah, I don’t want this night to end," River said.

"It doesn’t have to. I could come back to your place. If you want?"

River’s heart soared.



"I have a present for you that’s immediately returnable if you don’t like it," River said as they walked through the doors of The Dirt Road Cat Shelter. "And it’s imperative that you are honest about if you’re not into it. Promise?"

Cassidy smiled to himself.

"Cross my heart and hope to die," he said solemnly.

There was pretty much nothing that River could’ve gotten him that he wouldn’t like because it came from them.

"Okay, cool. I wasn’t sure about the whole gift thing because we just … ya know."

Cassidy nodded.

"We just began," he said.

"Right. Okay, stay here and I’ll be right back."

River went into the cat room and Cassidy texted Bram, a conversation with whom had given him the idea for his gift to River.

We all good for later? I’ll keep River away from the windows.

All good, Bram replied. Play music loud and I’ll text when I’m done.

Thank you so much—they’ll love it.

"Okay," River said.

They held out a cat carrier. It was Inspector Gadget! Her carrier had a red and green bow tied around it and there was a matching ribbon around her neck that she was attempting to hunt.

"So, I thought that since you and the Inspector here got along so great, you might want her. And before you say yes or no, just know that she can stay here for as long or any time you want. Or if you want her to live here, she totally can."

They ran out of steam and Cassidy’s heart was full.

He took the carrier and Inspector Gadget licked at the bars trying to get to him. She was the sweetest thing.

"So you are giving me a cat for Christmas that’s also kind of giving yourself a cat?"

River grinned.


They were just beginning this relationship, just learning each other, but Cassidy’s first thought in response to River’s gift was that it didn’t matter if Inspector Gadget came to live with him or stayed here with River, since sooner or later they’d be living together anyway.

Whoa, you’re moving way too fast! his logical mind said. But his heart beat to the rhythm of River.

"Thank you, sweetheart. I love her."

He stroked her back with a finger stuck through the opening. She meowed, long and excited.

"I’m so glad. Do you want to take her home, or …"

Cassidy looked at River’s expression intently. He remembered their sadness at succeeding to get cats adopted at Craftmas. They’d miss her if he took her home.

"As much as I’d love to have her at my house because it’d entice you to come over, I think she’d miss all the other cats, being by herself. So maybe she should stay here and be with her friends."

River nodded solemnly but Cassidy saw how their shoulders relaxed.

"Come here," Cassidy said, and pulled River to him in a hug that included the cat carrier.

Inspector Gadget purred loudly.

"You like that, baby?" River cooed to Inspector Gadget. "Okay, we can let her out again if you’re not taking her."

Cassidy caught River’s chin and kissed them.

"Thank you."

"You’re very welcome."

Cassidy slid the arm not holding the cat around River’s waist.

"Your gift will be waiting for you when you wake up in the morning," Cassidy said. "I’d love to be here when you get it."

"Why, Mr. Darling," River asked, hand over their mouth, expression one of mock scandalization. "Are you asking to spend the night?

"I am. Any interest in a little Secaucus Psychic to wind down?"

River nodded and led Cassidy and Inspector Gadget into the cat room. Cassidy set the carrier on the ground, but before he could even open the latch, he was surrounded by a mewing, purring mob of cats, welcoming Inspector Gadget back as if she’d been gone for months rather than minutes. They rubbed their faces up against the bars and tried to lick her.

"Guess I made the right choice as far as the cat vote is concerned," Cassidy said, flipping the latch and getting out of the line of fire.

The second the door was open, Inspector Gadget was buried under a pile of purrs.

"Guess so," River said. They’d been half acting like whatever Cassidy chose would be fine, but now they let it drop and when they turned to him, their grin was bright enough to light up the room. "I’m so glad she’s gonna stay here!"