
Cassidy buttoned his shirt up to the neck again, obliterating the color with gray flannel, the flannel with wool. He wound the black scarf around his neck again.

"I’ll get out of your hair," he said. "You’re probably eager to get home."

He pulled leather gloves from his coat pocket and turned to leave. Then he turned back to River.

"Is there any chance, if I left my phone number, that you could let me know if the cat is okay? I’ll just worry is all."

"Are you sure?" they asked. "I mean, do you want to know if it’s not okay too."

He nodded and River believed him.

"Okay, then."

"Should I write it down for whoever’s working tomorrow?"

"It’s me. I’m working tomorrow."

And the day after that and the day after that.

Cassidy smiled warmly.

"Well I guess I should give you my number, then."

Is this guy flirting with me?

They created a new contact in their phone, then handed it to Cassidy.

"Is Jokerman a bad thing, though?" he asked, handing back River’s phone.

"Yes. It’s hideous. Like, famously maligned."

"Hmm. Is a jokerman like a merman?" Cassidy asked.

"I never thought of it like that."

Visions of creatures that were half human and half playing card danced in River’s head.

"I’ve got some googling to do," Cassidy said. "Good night, River. Thanks for your help."

Then he smiled at them and their stomach had the absolute gall to fill with butterflies.

"Mhm, night," River managed as blood rushed in their ears.

Cassidy swept through the front doors of the Dirt Road Cat Shelter like an angel of death in his long black coat. And River went to check on the cat whose life he might have just saved.



"Thank you so much for coming," River’s brother Adam said, hugging them. He glanced over his shoulder to make sure they weren’t overheard. When he saw the coast was clear, he hissed, "She knows everything."

She referred to Gus, River’s nine-year-old niece, and everything, in this instance, referred to Christmas presents.

DEAR GOD HELP, read the text River had gotten from Adam the previous afternoon. She says she knows what her xmas presents are bc of the cookies on the computer? Gotta go old school—can you come early??

Then a string of emojis that made it clear their brother was at his wit’s end.

River adored Gus, but in moments like these they were deeply grateful not to be her parent.

"Hey, River."

Wes, Adam’s partner, put a hand on their shoulder for a brief pat. Then he, too, glanced around for Gus and lowered his voice.

"She knows. Every month she gets smarter. Where is it gonna end?"

The horror on his face was genuine, amusing coming from someone who had three snakes, a tarantula, two raccoons, a number of lizards and leeches, and was basically a genius.

"She probably plotting your death right now," River said, then winked at Gus, who’d come in while they were talking. "Oh my god, she’s right behind you!"

Gus dove at Wes and Adam’s legs as Wes turned, arms in a defensive position. Adam shrieked and went down like a sacked quarterback. Or whoever gets sacked in football. Point was, he crumpled.

Gus, always one to seize the moment, climbed on top of him and pinned his arms.

"Hi, Daddy," she said, and dropped a kiss on the tip of his nose. "What’re you doing on the floor?"

She scrambled off him and tugged on Wes’ arm.

"Aren’t you going to help him?"

Wes bent and hauled Adam upright, pulling him close to his side and kissing his head.

"You okay?"

"Yeah," Adam grumbled. "At least this time I got bullied before going to the mall instead of at it."

He straightened his clothes and squared his shoulders.

"Gus," he said seriously. "You can’t dive bomb people. It’s dangerous. People could hit their heads or break a hip or …"

"Daddy, I didn’t dive bomb you. I just kinda startled you and bumped your legs and you fell over."

Adam flushed.

"Well, then, it’s dangerous to semi-dive bomb people because some of us have hyper-reactive nervous systems. Okay?"

"Got it." She twirled a piece of hair around her finger absently and cocked her head. "Why do you have a hyperactive nervous system?"

"All righty," Wes said, grabbing her and swinging her upside down in a way that always made her squeal with delight as she squirmed like a fish on the line. "We’re going to the mall. This is a sign of how much we adore you because there is no place on earth more unpleasant than the mall in the month before the holidays."

"Or any time," Adam mumbled.

"Why’s it called a mall?" Gus asked.

"I’m gonna let you and River google that one after we’re gone," Adam said. He bent and kissed the top of her messy head. "Can’t wait to hear about the etymology when we get home."

Neon, the cat Adam had adopted for Gus last Christmas stalked into the room, all sass and fluff. Adam scooped her up and kissed her orange head. She meowed and licked his hair. Although the cat had been intended for Gus, she was much more interested in her lizard, and since Wes had many pets of his own, Neon became Adam’s by default. Though River was pretty sure Adam liked it that way.