He hadn’t even realized how impassioned he was coming across until he was standing up and concluding with a booming voice.

And as his words rang out in the silence of the house he’d just begun to think of as home, Bram Larkspur realized that he was addressing himself just as much as he was Zachary.

“Wow,” Zachary murmured. “Does that advice apply to other areas of my life too?”

“Hmm?” Bram asked, but he was distracted because Zachary was rounding the table and coming to stand right in front of him.

“Because did I mention there’s this guy...?”

Bram was exhausted and hungry and dirty, and his hair was sticking up on one side from the pillows in his nest, but all he wanted in the entire world was to kiss Zachary Glass.

“I think my breath is bad,” Bram said.

“I don’t care.”

“I kinda haven’t showered in a few days on account of being in a blanket nest.”

“I don’t care.”

“I’m all—”

“Shut up unless you don’t want me to kiss you.”

Bram shut his mouth on a comically loud “meep.”

Zachary put his hands on Bram’s shoulders. “I’m so sorry I went about telling you about the promotion all wrong,” he murmured. “And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you more clearly how I felt.”

“How do you feel?” Bram let himself murmur.

“I really, really, really like you,” he said, eyes intent on Bram’s mouth.

“I would like to take those three reallys and trade them in for a hotel,” Bram said.

Zachary stopped. “Uh. What?”

“I was...um, sorry. Monopoly reference. Well, we didn’t play Monopoly as kids; we had this noncapitalist version where you worked together to distribute wealth, but the point is when you get three houses in Monopoly you could trade them in for hotels and you said you really, really, really, and I. Or was it four houses? Hmm. Anyway, please kiss me and put us both out of my misery now.”

Zachary smiled and kissed Bram passionately.

Bram groaned, arms coming around Zachary’s back to hold him close. They kissed deeply, pulling back every so often to look at each other and smile.

“I missed you so much,” Bram said.

“The idea of Colorado was shit without you, anyway,” Zachary said. “Also, Monopoly was invented to demonstrate that capitalistic monopolies were a bad thing.”

“You don’t say,” Bram muttered, grabbing him by the hand and dragging him down the hallway.

They entered the bedroom to find Hemlock tucked into the blanket nest, looking like the pearl in an oyster. One of her ears was inside the blankets and one was sticking out. Bram grabbed his phone off the bedside table and snapped a picture. He spared a moment to press a gentle kiss to Hem’s ears. His constant companion. His darling.

Then he dragged Zachary into the bathroom and started the shower.

“We need to be clean for all the things I wanna do to you,” Bram muttered between kisses.

“I am clean,” Zachary managed before Bram kissed him again.

The shower was quick and dirty—well, quick and clean—and Bram tried to psychically send Hemlock a message to be out of the bed when they got there.

Bram had always been pretty sure that telepathy was possible and was delighted to be proven right. He stripped the blankets off the bed and lay down on it, arms out for Zachary.

“I missed having you in my bed,” he murmured, and Zachary shivered. “I missed the feel of your skin,” he went on. He could see the effect his words were having, and he spared a moment of devastation that Zachary had heard so little praise that he valued it so highly, but whatever the reason, Bram was happy to give it to him.

“You taste so good,” he said as they kissed. Zachary moaned. “You feel perfect in my arms.” Zachary’s breaths were shallow and fast, and Bram pressed him into the sheets and dropped a trail of kisses from his mouth to his throat and down over his ribs. Zachary writhed under his questing touch.

When he nuzzled between Zachary’s thighs, Zachary spread for him. He kissed the soft skin, up one thigh to his groin, and down the other side. Zachary moaned.

“This okay?” he asked, flicking his tongue back between Zachary’s ass cheeks.

He was answered with an even more enthusiastic moan.

He flipped Zachary over onto his stomach, parted his flesh, and traced his hole with a delicate tongue. The more he lavished Zachary with attention, the more he moaned and writhed beneath Bram. Bram felt like a god. He speared Zachary with his slick tongue and Zachary groaned deliriously. When he couldn’t take anymore, he kissed up to the small of Zachary’s back, then up his spine to the nape of his neck to whisper in his ear.

“What do you want, baby?”

“You, you,” Zachary chanted.


A groan and a nod. Bram got a condom and drizzled lube over his erection. He was buzzing with desire and wanted to watch Zachary come apart.