“Zachary,” Bram murmured.

He caught Zachary’s hand and hugged it to him.

Zachary was overwhelmed by his affection for the big man. There was something so endearing about him. His openness and his humor. His strength and his cheer.

“I wanted to kiss you on Saturday,” Bram said, blue eyes dark and intent.

Zachary nodded, words having apparently fled.

“Under the moon,” Bram murmured.

Zachary was struck with the urge to howl in response and had rarely been gladder of anything than that he managed to hold it in.

Bram made him feel wild, untethered, outside the rules.

It was dangerous and intoxicating. Unfamiliar. And a little bit scary.

He could feel the heat Bram was giving off, sense the promise of strength in those muscular arms.

Bram murmured his name again. This time it was a question.

Zachary closed the distance between them and took Bram’s shoulders in his hands.

“Too damn tall,” he muttered, then stood on his tiptoes and pressed his lips to Bram’s.

Immediately, Bram’s arms came around him and he was gathered in to his warm chest.

Bram’s lips were soft, and he kissed with such enthusiasm, as if he were savoring every single sensation.

They stumbled backward, lost in one another, and ended up on the bed, Zachary on top of Bram.

He paused for a moment worrying that he’d squashed Bram, but Bram just smiled a bit shyly and said, “Hey.”

Zachary laughed.


He dropped a playful kiss on Bram’s chin, but loved the feel and scent of his skin so much that he trailed kisses along his jaw to his neck.

When he kissed Bram’s neck, Bram sucked in a breath and tangled his fingers in Zachary’s hair.

Then Bram’s mouth was back on his and they were kissing passionately, tongues sliding together in a velvet caress.

They kissed until Zachary’s skin felt tight and hot and his lips tingled.

When they finally broke apart, he pressed his forehead to Bram’s and they stared at each other, breathing heavily.

“Wow,” Bram murmured.

Zachary couldn’t agree more.

He moved back in for another kiss, but Bram pulled him close and smothered him in a full body snuggle.

Zachary moaned. He was so turned on he felt swollen and hypersensitive, but it was so good to have Bram’s arms around him.

He pressed his hips forward and found an answering hardness.

Bram’s breath caught at the contact and he buried his face in the crook of Zachary’s neck.

“Do you want...?” Bram murmured.

Zachary nodded and threw his leg over Bram’s hip.

They ground together slowly and hot pleasure tore through Zachary until he shuddered.

Bram made a muffled sound and then they were locked together, entwined as they thrust and moaned.

Zachary’s whole body turned into a humming, electric buzz and he strained toward the promise of exquisite explosion.

Bram held him close, muscles taut and straining.

“Oh, god,” Bram moaned, and then he threw his head back and clutched Zachary to him as he came.

The heat and strength of Bram’s body were electric, and Zachary felt his orgasm start to build. Bram reached down and cupped his erection, and his touch was exquisite, even through fabric.

Zachary strained and Bram stroked him until the spark caught and ecstasy roared through Zachary, growing as it spread like ripples in a stream.

With one final wave of heat, Zachary collapsed into Bram’s arms, panting and shuddering, tiny aftershocks sending frissons through his electrified skin.

He moaned and let himself go completely boneless against Bram.

Bram gathered him close and hugged him like a teddy bear. Only, you know, hot.

Their lips found each other and this time the kisses were familiar, sweet, appreciative.

Chapter Thirteen


Zachary Glass was hot as hell. Uninhibited and gorgeous and sensual, and Bram didn’t want to let him go.

Bram had watched him teeter on the tree outside his bedroom window, clearly perpetrating some absurd prank. Though Bram had kind of assumed they were done with the prank war since they’d started spending real time together, somehow he was amused that Zachary saw no reason to stop. He’d felt a moment of utter gutting fear when Zachary’s foot had slipped and he would’ve fallen if he hadn’t caught himself.

Now, safe in his arms, satisfied and spent, Zachary’s hot cheek was pressed against Bram’s shoulder, and despite an uncomfortable mess in his pants, Bram couldn’t even think about untangling from him.

“You’re amazing,” Bram murmured into his hair.

That got a suspicious snort followed by a nuzzle that spoke volumes.

They lay there for a while, drifting in and out of sleep, until Zachary pulled away and made a face at his own crotch.


“You can borrow some sweats,” Bram offered.

“Okay. Thanks.”

And Bram’s heart leapt, because maybe that meant he’d stay.

They got cleaned up, soothed a curious Hemlock back to sleep, and then climbed back into bed.

Zachary fit perfectly in his arms and they settled down, sighing.

Bram kissed Zachary’s tousled curls.

He wanted to ask Zachary about everything he liked in bed, everything he liked, period.

He heard his father’s sympathetic sigh when Bram told him about Naveen and Drake.