Page 53 of Catered All the Way

“No talking yourself down, remember?” He glared at me, but I merely grinned back.

“Hey, if that’s what I get for some mildly low self-esteem, I’ve got a pile of insecurities—”

“I’m serious.” Atlas put on his firmest voice as he pinned me to the bed, arms above my head, lower legs trapped by his. And damn did I love stern Atlas and the return of his usual cockiness because he started fucking me in earnest, punctuating each word with another thrust. “Only. Nice. Things.”

“Okay, okay, I rock.” I moaned, totally willing to sing my own praises if it meant more bone-rattling fucking. “Just keep doing that.”

“Trying.” Atlas gritted out the word, eyes and mouth narrow like he was concentrating hard not to climax. He wasn’t the only one. I’d never gone hands-free, but I was all for trying until Atlas groaned again. “Tell me how to make you come.”

“Keep looking at me like that.” I chuckled at his heated glare before arching my back to drag my cock across his hard abs. “And give me your hand.”

He started jacking me in time with his thrusts, picking up speed. I was close, but I kept getting distracted by the absolute wonder of watching him lose all control and composure.

“Zeb. Fuck. Please.” Atlas Orion begging me to come was the hottest thing ever. The big man was totally reduced to primal need by me and this thing we shared.

“Yeah. Almost.” I closed my eyes, letting his sure grip pull me that much closer to the edge. He added his thumb, a perfect amount of pressure, exactly how I loved it. “Jesus, you know me so well.”

“I do.” His voice was tender, and the intense look we shared as I opened my eyes was enough to push me right over the edge. Because that wasn’t passion or desire in Atlas’s eyes. It wasn’t lust or raw fucking. It was affection, the reflection of our shared connection, and the emotions of the last few weeks.

“Atlas.” I gasped as I came hard, come jetting out of my cock to land on my stomach and chest. A few drops even made it as far as my beard. The release was blissful yet tinged with the same emotions as that look we’d shared. And I wanted to share even more. “You too. Come on. Go hard.”

Thank God, Atlas took me at my word and thrust faster and harder, the last of his control shredding as he, too, came. Watching his face, knowing he was feeling it too, brought a fresh wave of pleasure. I’d wanted his orgasm as much as my own, and I felt every grunt and shudder and moan all the way to my soul.

“Oh, holy fuck.” Atlas carefully pulled out before collapsing down next to me.

“More like, oh, holy night.” Chortling with the sort of goofiness only climax could induce, I bumped his shoulder. “It is Christmas Eve, after all.”

“So it is.” He yawned big.

“Should we sleep or have our junk-food feast and watch one of the Christmas Eve services on TV?”

“Sleep is for the weak.” He groaned and gathered me close.

“True.” I willed my own sleepiness away. I didn’t want to miss a single moment of Christmas magic with Atlas.




“Merry Christmas,” I whispered softly to Zeb’s sleeping body, which was pressed tightly alongside mine despite the hotel room’s king-size bed. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Early morning light filtered into the room, the grays of Christmas Eve replaced by sunshine and a world lit up by icicles and mounds of white snow.

“Merry Christmas.” Zeb yawned and stretched. Last night had been all kinds of magical, from the babies’ arrival to the sex to watching a regal Christmas Eve service on the local PBS station while outside, falling snow and twinkling Christmas lights mingled to create an other-worldly atmosphere. However, when Zeb groaned, certain real-world concerns took over my brain.

“How do you feel?” Rising onto my elbow, I peered down at him, but he only grinned.

“Excellent.” Zeb stretched to press a kiss to my mouth. “Don’t worry. I loved the sex. Every second.”

“Good.” I kissed him back, then chuckled when both of our stomachs rumbled.

Zeb reached between us to give my abs a quick pat, grazing my increasingly awake cock as he did so. “In fact, if I were less hungry, I’d show you again how much I love you fucking me.”

“Food first.” I hefted myself out of bed before Zeb’s touch could distract me from what my guy really needed. My guy. Last night, Zeb had truly felt like mine, a piece of myself I hadn’t known was missing, and something that belonged to me and me alone. Mine. Breakfast was the least of what I owed him. “Then you can show me whatever you want.”

“Have you heard from Gabe or Paige this morning?” Zeb followed me out of bed.