Page 51 of Catered All the Way

“Wow.” He pulled back, a bemused expression on his face. “What was that? I thought you might still be mad about Aunt Lucy knowing.”

“Not mad. Just a realist. One who doesn’t want to think about a damn thing other than getting naked with you and making this a Christmas Eve to remember.”

“It’s already pretty memorable.” He chuckled, then ran a gloved fingertip down my bearded jaw. “But here’s to making a few more memories.”

The elevator doors opened on our floor, and Atlas grabbed my hand in a gesture even sweeter than my lusty panic-filled kiss. I let him lead me to our hotel room, a generic space done in shades of beige and white, notable for the huge king bed in the center of the room.

“Now that’s an upgrade from my full.” I laughed as I pushed his coat off his shoulders.

“Still gonna hold you all night long.” Atlas tugged me close for a soft kiss.

“Counting on it.” I kissed him back, continuing my efforts to undress us both.

“Your nose is cold.” He kissed the tip of it, then nuzzled the snowflakes captured by my beard. “You should take a hot shower.”

“We should,” I corrected.

“The front desk had a small display of toiletry and pharmacy items for sale. I was thinking…”

“I love your thought.” We’d talked a bunch over the last week or so about penetrative sex. Atlas had confessed to issues with finding condoms to fit comfortably, which had led me to pull up my most recent test results and Atlas had done the same. However, even after deciding condoms were optional, exploring oral and our favorite frot variations, along with the busyness at Seasons, had taken priority. However, at that moment, the only Christmas Eve present I wanted was him inside me. “I want that tonight. Merry Christmas to us. If they don’t have lube, we can make do with lotion or something.”

“No making do.” Atlas’s stern finger wag made me chuckle warmly. “Back in a second.”

“I’ll save you some hot water.”



I finished stripping my clothes off in record time, spurred by the thought of finally having Atlas inside me. I started with the most necessary washing before luxuriating in the hot water. I was rinsing the hotel shampoo from my hair when Atlas slid in behind me.

“That was fast,” I gasped as he pulled me snugly against him.

“Mission accomplished.” Dipping his head, he lightly nipped at my neck. “Name brand lube and everything.”

“Excellent.” I shivered from his nearness and teeth.

“Also grabbed us some cookies and chips since you didn’t eat much at the hospital. Figured you might be hungry later.”

“After.” I sighed happily at his thoughtfulness. “A late-night Christmas Eve junk-food feast sounds perfect.”

“Almost as perfect as you all warm and slippery.” Lathering his hands, he soaped my already clean chest. “You’re going to tell me how to do this, right?”

“I’ll share what I know, and we’ll figure it out together,” I said lightly. I wasn’t going to lie and claim tons of experience with bottoming or topping, but I also didn’t want Atlas overthinking things. “I’m not worried. I trust you.”

“Don’t want to hurt you.” He frowned as I spun in his damp embrace. “And I don’t just mean the sex.”

“I know. But we’re not thinking about that, remember?” I made my voice a stern imitation of his. “No thinking about anything other than this moment right here.”

“Sounds like a plan.” He agreed readily, but his dark eyes were soft and sad. Stretching, I kissed him until the sadness was replaced by heated desire. Gasping, he flipped off the water. “Bed now.”

“Abso-fucking-lutely.” I hopped out of the shower to grab a towel on the rack opposite the tub. Before drying myself, I handed Atlas a towel. But apparently, Atlas had other things on his mind besides dry skin because he scooped me up, towels and all, fireman-carry style.

“Hey, I’m not light!”

“Says you.” He tossed me in the center of the bed, right next to a small white paper bag.

“Oooh, God bless the lube fairy.” I plucked the bottle from the bag and put it on the nightstand as Atlas stretched out next to me, damp and magnificent.

“Is that the right kind?”

“We’ll make it work. Promise.” I kissed his frown away, kissed him until he rolled me under him. His cock was heavy and hard against me, and I almost forgot our plans in the rush of how good his cock felt next to mine, how much I loved this, holding each other, moving together in familiar ways.

But then he hitched my leg over his hip, fingers coasting over my stomach and thigh, and I soon remembered everything I wanted. Helping him, I shifted my weight more to one side and pulled my upper leg farther back. Atlas took the hint and stroked lower, over my straining cock and heavy balls, to gently circle my rim.