Page 7 of Addicted 2 Candy

My emotions zing all over the place as he wraps his warm hand around the back of my head and pulls me close for his kiss. I groan as his tongue slides past my lips and gently explores the inside of my mouth. Groaning, I melt against his hard chest while my thoughts scatter.

A shiver runs through his large body a second before he leans back and takes several deep breaths. “Wow. You pack a punch, Dream Girl.”

“Good.” I don’t care that I might get hurt. I’m going to jump in with both feet and deal with the consequences later. I’m not sure who’s more shocked when I scoot around and straddle his lap. He growls my name and pulls my face down for a bruising kiss.

I’m not going to miss this chance to explore his gorgeous body, so I run my hands over his muscular shoulders and up to tangle them in his slightly damp hair. He grasps my hips and drags me closer to his rock-hard body.

Forgetting about my lack of experience is easy with him playing my body like a finely tuned guitar. When he lifts his hips and drives his hardness against me, I realize where we are. It kills me to pull back, but I lean my head against his shoulder and try to catch my breath. “I’m not sure I’m ready to have my first time in the back of a limousine.”

Riley lays his head back against the seat and stares at me silently for several seconds. “First time? First, first time? Like never?”

It’s not easy to admit I’m a twenty-three-year-old virgin. I stare into his eyes and admit, “I’ve been waiting for the right man.”

“Fucking hell.” My heart drops before he pulls my face close to his. He nibbles on my bottom lip and then smiles at me. “I don’t know what I did in a previous life to deserve you, but it must’ve been fucking spectacular.” He lays his forehead against mine. “I plan to make sure you have no doubt that I’m the man you’ve been waiting for.”

He helps me sit on the leather seat next to him. “As much as I want to finish this conversation, we’re almost at the hotel. We’ll finish our talk later.” I nod my head for something to do while my mushy mind attempts to keep up.

The limousine pulls up to a back entrance, and Riley hops out and holds his hand out to me. “Come on. I’ll introduce you to my band members.”

“Okay.” He wraps his arm around my shoulders and leads me into the darkened hallway with Ryan and two other men following behind us. We take the elevator up to the top floor, and I can’t look at the other men or I’ll blush like crazy. I’m pretty sure they all think I’m his groupie for the night.

“Don’t hover,” Riley tells Ryan as the elevator comes to a stop.

“I don’t ever hover,” the bodyguard grumbles back, and one of the other men coughs something that sounds like “bullshit.”

The doors slide open and loud music blasts me in the face. Riley takes my hand and leads me into the room, and I forget about the other men. Oh, man. I feel like a bug under a microscope as all eyes turn toward us.

Raven rushes over, dragging Roman behind her. “I’m glad you finally made it.” She hugs me and turns to Riley. “Be good to her.” She glares and points at him. “Don’t make me turn Roman loose on you.” Now, that’s a freaking threat. Her husband would do just about anything to keep her happy.

“Come on, spitfire. Let’s mingle before you decide I need to kick someone’s ass.” Roman takes her hand before looking into Riley’s eyes. “I’m watching you.”

Playing nice with these assholes is the last fucking thing I want to do right now. I’d rather take Candy to my room a few floors below the party and make her mine forever, but I know I need to take things slow and do this right.

Sean and Owen step over at the perfect moment. “Candy, this is Sean Malcolm and Owen Ride.”

“Nice to meet you.” She smiles and reaches out to shake both their hands, and it takes all of my self-control not to slap their hands away. Maybe I am turning into the caveman she called me earlier because the thought of another man touching my dream girl causes me to see red.

Before I make a total fool of myself, I rush my girl over to meet Cooper and River. I don’t even give them time to speak to her before I lead her to the bar for a drink.

“Why are you rushing me around?” She steps back and places her hands on her hips.

I take a healthy swig of whiskey and admit, “They were fucking touching you.”