I returned to him, grabbed his chin, and snapped his neck.

Going through the next room, I aimed my gun ahead, shifted my glasses to normal mode, and scanned the space.

Where are you, Francesca?

Room after room, I searched, but no one was in there.

Meanwhile, war continued below.

I hoped to God that Anthony and our men were kicking Crimson Mob's asses.

Come on! This must end tonight.

I approached a window at the end of a long hallway and cautiously peeked out.

Suddenly, a gunshot cracked through the air, heading my way.


I ducked away from the window.

My heart raced.

Is that you, Red Widow?

Peering out again, I saw a figure dashing toward the back of the mansion. Her movements were swift and determined.


Not wasting a moment, I climbed out of the window, my muscles tensing as I prepared to jump.

Almost done. Don't stop now.

The ground came up fast, and I landed with a thud, rolling to absorb the impact.

Let's go.

I quickly got to my feet.

Adrenaline fueled my movements.

I rushed into the maze.

The hedges towered around me as the path twisted and turned. It was surely a labyrinth designed to disorient and confuse.

But I had no time to lose; Francesca was getting away.

God, please let me get back to my babies.

I moved quickly but carefully, aware that Francesca could have set traps or might be waiting in ambush. Every rustle of the leaves, every whisper of the wind, put me on high alert.

I kept my gun raised in front of me.

The path forked, and I paused, trying to decide which way to go.

The maze seemed endless.

Its paths were a puzzle I needed to solve quickly.

Come on, Francesca. Don't hide now.

I took a deep breath, focusing on the task at hand.

Then, I caught the sound of footsteps on my left and rushed that way.


I spotted her up ahead.

Her long red hair trailed behind. She glanced back, screamed, and fired her gun in a frenzied attempt to slow me down.

But I was too quick, darting out of the bullet's path.

“Francesca, let's talk!” Speeding up, I gained on her. “Come on. It’s a family reunion.”

“Fuck you, Dante!” She kept running, but I could see that her steps were wobbly. “I should have killed you, instead of throwing your ass in prison.”

“On that, we both agree!”

Fatigue must have been catching up to her. She panted and bumped into the hedges before rushing off some more.

I laughed. “You might as well stop now and face your death, Old Friend.”

“It will be your death tonight!” She shot at me.

“You missed!” I sped up.

We reached the center of the maze.

There stood a large statue of a massive spider. It must have been the size of a man.

Francesca panted and got behind it as if that could help. Sweat streaked down her face. White powder decorated her nose. Surely, she had been partaking in cocaine.

Look at what you’ve become.

Francesca's eyes widened in terror as she saw me approach. She backed away, raised her gun, and aimed at me.

“Bye, you piece of shit.” She pulled the trigger.

No bullet came out.

“N-no.” She looked at the gun and trembled. “No!!!!”

I stepped in front of her.

Only four feet ran between us.

“H-hold on.” Her hand shook. “I remember when we were young, D-Dante.”

I put up my silencer and grabbed the other gun.

“Y-you were always the tough one, Dante, standing up to anyone who crossed our path. You had a fire in you, a fierce loyalty.”

I checked and confirmed the gun was loaded.

Tears spilled from her eyes. “You were unbeatable. Every bully, every threat, you faced them head-on. And I-I always knew you would be my strongest ally.”

I kept the gun at my side and watched her unravel.

“But then Zuri came into your life, and I saw the shift in you.” Francesca wiped one of the tears. “I knew. . .I knew I had lost you. Y-your loyalty, your heart. . .it was with her.”

No pity came for her.

No sympathy.

As I looked at Francesca, I saw that she was a far cry from the powerful woman she used to be.

“B-but you have to understand, Dante,” Her voice cracked, “I did what I had to do. To survive, to keep my power. I thought you of all people would understand that.”

Her words were nothing but the last desperate pleas of a woman who had lost everything.

The Francesca I knew, the ruthless leader of the Crimson Mob, was no more. In her place was a scared, defeated person, grasping at straws to save herself.

“When you took years of my life away, you chose your path.” I raised my gun and aimed at her. “And now, you have to face the consequences of your actions. Loyalty to you? You lost that the moment you betrayed everything we stood for.”

“P-please, Dante. I have money! Gold! A plane! I can give you all of this!”

I rested my finger on the trigger.