A soft moan left her mouth, and I swallowed it, loving the taste.

Then, suddenly Zuri’s phone rang next to her.

She tried to pull away.

I wouldn’t let her.

Fuck that phone.

Breathless, she stopped the kiss and leaned away. “I have to take it.”

“Do you?”

“It’s probably the building.” She left my hold.

The phone rang again.

My cock was now pushing hard at the fabric in the front of my pants. I dove my hands into my pants and adjusted it. “Why would the building be calling?”

Ignoring me, she grabbed the phone and turned it on. “Hello? Yes.”

I watched her as a silent observer, trying to decipher the nature of the call from the fragments of conversation I could hear.

“That’s right.” She nodded. “Okay. Go ahead and send her up.”

Send who up?

The moment Zuri ended the call and turned back to me, I could sense a shift in the air. “What’s going on?”

She patted down her dress. “The doorman was letting me know that the babysitter is on her way up.”

I eyed her. “Why do you need a babysitter?”

Zuri took a deep breath. “Because I have a date tonight.”

A date. . .

The word hit me like a physical blow.

A sharp pang of jealousy twisted in my gut. “Is it with Alonzo?”

“Dante. . .”

Rage roared within me, but I wouldn’t show it. I couldn’t scare her. “Just tell me.”

“Yes, it’s with Alonzo.”

I’m going to fucking kill him.

I scowled.

She pointed. “Don’t you dare look at me that way.”

My jaw clenched.

“You told me to move on.”

“I did, and now I’m back.”


“Now what do you think I’m going to tell you?”

“Not a damn thing, Dante, because you just showed up in my life out of nowhere.” She held her hands out. “Am I supposed to just. . .drop everything and change all that doesn’t fit with you in it, because. . .you’re finally here?”


She glared. “That’s unfair and you know it.”

“You’re wearing my ring around your neck.”

“That doesn’t mean I’m just going to cancel my date tonight because y-you. . .showed up and. . .kissed me.” She ran her fingers through her dreadlocks as if needing something to do with her hands. “I. . .I need you to go right now.”



Goddamn it.

My voice strained. “Do you love him?”

“I already told you that we just started dating, Dante. I’m still getting to know him.”

“So, that’s a no?”

“It’s a no.”

Her explanation did little to ease the tightness in my chest. The thought of her with someone else was difficult to stomach.

“So. . .” Zuri shrugged. “You have to go, and. . .I left my phone number on the counter over there. Next time you visit, call me.”

“Am I going to have to state the obvious, Zuri?”

“What are you talking about?”

“How long do you think I’m going to stand by like a gentleman and let Alonzo spend time with you?”

“Are you fucking serious right now?” She touched her chest, her fingertips were close to my ring. “You don’t have the right to tell me to stop dating him.”

“Of course, I don’t.”

“So... then it’s settled.”

“Not really.” A cruel smile spread across my face. “I can’t tell you to stop, but I can tell him.”

She widened her eyes in horror. “Dante, leave him alone. Alonzo is a nice guy. He’s not involved with any gangster stuff—”

“Then, that’s unfortunate because gangster stuff is about to come his way—”

“Don’t do that—”

“Does he know about me?”

“Of course he does. He asked about Carmen’s father—”

“Then, he is well aware of the problem that he could face from coming around—”

“No one knew you were getting out—”

“Then, perhaps you should let Alonzo know that I’m out.”

She glared at me.

A knock sounded at the door.

Sighing, she began to walk around me.

I grabbed her by the waist.

She didn’t look my way. “Let me go.”

I didn’t.

She shivered against me. “Dante. . .”

“I’m leaving now, but I have to come back tonight.”

She snapped her gaze my way. “No you don’t.”

“I do.”

She frowned. “Why?”

“I’ll have the Foxie Cherry doll. I don’t want to risk losing it, so I’ll come back and put it under the tree. “

She rolled her eyes. “Not even you can get a Foxie Cherry doll this Christmas—”

“I can.”

“Dante, Marcelo and all of the Diamond Syndicate have been trying—”

“I’ll have it tonight. Can I come back to bring it or not?”

“Are you using a doll to sneak your way back into this condo?”

Damn right I am.

The person knocked on the door again.

I let go of her. “I’ll see you tonight.”

Shaking her head, she rushed off. “Let me know you are coming first. I may not be back.”

Pissed, I called after her, “When will the date be over?”

“Whenever we decide.”

I blinked.

Are you trying to have me kill him tonight, Zuri? Don’t you want him to see Christmas?

She left the kitchen.

I adjust my cock some more and grabbed her number off the counter.

Fucking Alonzo.

I departed from the kitchen and entered the living room right as Zuri opened the door.