I yearned to pull her into my arms, to hold her close and feel the warmth of her body against mine.

But I restrained myself, acutely aware of the boundaries we now had between us.

When particular items were inside of the fridge, she shook her head. “I have the rest. I just had to make sure the other stuff didn't get ruined.”


Barely three feet away from me, she crossed her arms over her chest. “So?”

My nerves flared. “I got out early. Marly told me that you moved away and. . .that we had a daughter.”

“What do you mean Marly told you? I wrote you. I sent you letters—”

“I didn’t open them.”


“It hurt to see your letters, Zuri. I knew I couldn’t touch you so. . .I wanted you to move on—”

“I didn’t want to let you go—”

“I know. I thought I was helping you live your life.” I placed my hands on my chest. “Remember. With that sentencing. . .I was supposed to die in jail.”

Her bottom lip quivered.

“What were you going to do, Zuri? Love a man behind bars for the rest of your life?” I leaned my head to the side. “You deserved better than that.”

She hugged herself tighter. “That didn't mean we couldn't communicate—”

“It did.” I frowned. “Because one day a letter would come that would talk about your boyfriend or fiancé. And there would be letters of your wedding—you in a breathtaking gown, next to some asshole. And then there would be pictures of the child that you had with him and the life that I lost and. . .”

I trembled.

She looked down at the floor. “So. . .you weren't just protecting me. You were protecting yourself?”

I was too much of a coward to answer.

“And that psycho Marly told you where I was?” She shook her head. “After you went to jail, he was the main person standing outside of my old place at all times of the day. Sometimes, he would follow me around. I had to get a restraining order and move here. But. . .he knows where I live?”

Rage tore through me. “Marly stalked you?”


“He said he helped move you out here and paid—”

“He didn’t do anything, and he definitely didn’t pay for this place either.” She hugged herself. “I did it all myself.”

I’m glad I killed him.

I kept my anger down. “He won’t be bothering you anymore.”

She stepped back. “Why?”

I pursed my lips together.

She raised her eyebrows. “Did you kill him?”

“You don’t want to know that answer.”

“Damn it, Dante. The first day out and you kill someone.” Her eyes watered. “You are going to be right back in prison, if you—”

“I’ve got a plan and I’m executing it—”

“And I have a daughter and I’m not allowing you to bring this gangster shit around her.”

“I won’t.”

She pointed at me. “Who got you out of jail?”

“Viper Mob.”


“They want me to get rid of Francesca.”

Zuri shook her head and edged back. “Why did you come here?”

“I wanted to see you and my daughter. I didn’t know until today—”

“You have to go, Dante. I don’t know what the fuck you are going to be doing in these next days, but Carmen and I will not be involved in this—”

“You're right, but. . .please, let me stay for a little bit.” I wanted to reach out, to bridge the physical distance between us as easily as I yearned to bridge the emotional chasm.

Zuri hesitated for a moment, before nodding her head reluctantly. “Fine. But not for long. And whatever you are doing, don't come back around until it's done.”


“I don't want any of that over here.”

“Me either. I love you too much to put you in danger.”

Zuri parted her lips, but said nothing.

“I just. . .had to see Carmen. . .and you.”

Zuri returned to hugging herself and quickly walked past me. “Then, spend a little time with her and then go.”

“Alright.” I followed Zuri out of the kitchen. I wished I were a proper man, but I wasn't. My gaze fell on her plump ass—full and round like ripe fruit. Instantly I thought of how it would feel to push my cock inside of it.

Desire shivered through me like sparks in a starting engine.

Hot memories flickered in my mind.

I did my best to shove them away as we returned to the living room.

And there we stood, in the quiet of that space. Two souls bound by a shared past and an uncertain future.

To my surprise, Zuri spoke, “Carmen is a perfectionist. I'm sure she is putting all of her art on full display.”

“That's fine. I’ll wait as long as she wants me too, and I already know I will love all of it.” I gave her a warm smile. “I saw that you graduated law school.”

Zuri scowled. “So you were in my office too?”

Fucking idiot. You were just an inch out of trouble. Now you're a foot back in.