Soon, Yu appeared and stood in front of me, wearing all blue.

Yu had a dignified air about him, a quiet grace that masked a mind sharp as a katana’s edge. His hair, once jet black, had turned a distinguished shade of silver.

His dark, deep-set eyes sparkled with wisdom. Though his frame was slender, I knew that he moved with a youthful agility that defied his age. Years of practice in martial arts had given him a physical grace that transcended time.

He curved his lips into a smile. “It has been a very long time, Dante.”

“It has.” I returned the smile.

“I knew they could not keep the Red Reaper caged for too long.” His gaze dropped to the blood on my suit. “Trouble?”

“Never far behind.”

He gave me a polite nod. “How can I help you?”

“I’m in the mood for a thriller.”

“Hmmm.” He tilted his head to the side. “What type of thriller? Psychological? Political? Action?”


“Ah.” Yu nodded. “Spy. A genre filled with intrigue, danger, and secrets. A reflection of life, perhaps?”


Yu headed off, and I followed.

We walked toward tall, winding shelves, and then headed down one.

Decreasing his pace, Yu’ traced the spines of books with his fingers.

Eventually, he led me to a small corner of the store, where a collection of old, leather-bound books lined the shelves featuring characters like James Bond, Jack Reacher, and Jason Bourne.

Yu stopped in front of a book titled, “The Spy Who Loved Me.” It had a worn cover and a faded spine. “Here.”

I smirked. “Good book?”

“James Bond. A tale of spies, love, and betrayal. A story that will take you to places unknown, to truths hidden, to a world beyond your own.” He pulled the book off the shelf.

A soft creaking sounded.

The bookcase began to shift, its movement slow and deliberate, as if it had done so many times before in hushed secrecy. Slowly, it revealed a narrow passageway, dimly lit and filled with shadows.

I stared at the hidden passage.

“Not all stories are confined to the pages of a book.” Yu entered the passageway. “Some are lived, some are hidden, waiting for the right moment, the right person, to be uncovered.”

I entered.

He clapped.

As the shelf slid shut behind us with a final, definitive click, a series of dim lights flickered to life, casting an eerie glow over the hidden chamber.

The air was cooler here.

Weapons and armor lined the walls that seemed to span centuries of warfare and espionage.

To the left, a display of medieval weaponry caught my eye. Swords of various lengths and designs were meticulously arranged. Their blades gleamed dully in the low light.

Among them, a broadsword with an intricately carved hilt stood out. Beside it, a set of daggers lay in a velvet-lined case, each handle crafted from different materials—ivory, ebony, and even what appeared to be bone.

I stepped further in. “You’ve added a lot to your collection.”

“One must always add and change.”

On another wall, more modern armaments were displayed with equal care. Pistols of every make and model were mounted.

A series of sniper rifles, each with its own customizations, hinted at long-range stealth missions. Their scopes glinted menacingly.

Beneath them, rows of submachine guns and assault rifles were lined up.

“Will you want the basic toolkit?”

“Not this time.” I shook my head. “I’m going to want a bundle.”

“Big job?”

“Gigantic.” I headed to the center of the room where a glass case housed an array of throwing knives and stars.

The far end of the room was dedicated to defensive gear. Knightly plated armor to modern tactical vests hung from stands.

Helmets of different eras, from Viking helms to contemporary Kevlar helmets, were displayed above.

Shields too, from the round ones of ancient warriors to riot shields used by cops.

He pointed to the right. “I have some interesting items that may get you excited.”

“Let’s see.” I headed that way.

On a workbench, a series of gadgets lay scattered—lock picks, bugs, listening devices, and what appeared to be a set of disguised explosives.

I took out my wallet and slipped out the black card. “I’ll take all of this.”

“Put your card up, Dante.” He frowned.

“I have no limit.”

“Yet, you dishonor me. I still owe you.”

I sighed. “Speaking of Iku. How is he doing?”

Yu’s gaze softened. “Iku is doing well, Dante. Very well. He graduated college a few years ago with honors, and he’s found a wonderful young woman. They’ll be getting married soon.”

Pride filled me. “That’s wonderful news. I always knew he had it in him. He has your strength and wisdom.”

“And he had a friend when he needed one most. You were there for him. You helped him find his way off the streets.”

“It just took a few slaps and pointing my gun. Nothing much.”

Yu chuckled. “Lucky for him, you were the one who found him. Had I seen him selling drugs on the corner, he may not have been here. And there would have been no college graduation.”