“For their sakes, I hope not.”


I spied others engaged in lively conversations. Staff strolled around passing out hors d’oeuvres.

Carmen tugged at my hand. “Can we go see the tree over there, Daddy?”

“There's another?”

She pointed across the room.

I spotted a towering Christmas tree that was a grand spectacle and unmistakably paying homage to Viper Mob.

“Let's check it out.” I guided them that way, studying it.

The tree, reaching almost to the ceiling, was adorned with an array of luxurious ornaments.

The lights on the tree were a deep, sparkling purple, casting a glow across the branches. Intertwined with the lights were delicate garland, shimmering with a metallic sheen that reminded me of the sleek, smooth scales of a snake.

Hanging from the branches were ornaments crafted in the shape of various snakes, each more intricate than the last. Some coiled around branches. Others were encrusted with shimmering gems, and many more were fashioned from blown glass.

At the very top, in place of the usual star or angel, was a magnificent sculpture of a snake, its body coiled, ready to strike and its mouth was open to bite. Those sharp fangs glistened. I had to admit that the big snake was a work of art, those scales were a mosaic of precious stones.

Meanwhile, the snakes two glittering ruby eyes seemed to watch over the room.

Zuri parted her lips. “Oh my.”

Carmen giggled. “So Cool!”

Out of nowhere, Anthony spoke behind us. “Not too much. Right?”

I turned around and smirked. “It's depending on your definition of too much.”

Zuri tapped my side. “It's very nice. Thank you for inviting us this evening.”

Dressed impeccably in designer attire, Anthony exuded an air of sophistication that matched the opulence around us.

Definitely a chameleon.

He hit Zuri with a charming smile. “It's a pleasure to see you here. You may not remember me, but we met during a business dinner a while back.”

“I remember.” Zuri gave him a polite nod. “By the way, this is a beautiful party you've put together.”

“We're one big family here.” He gestured around. “I'm hoping to have Dante join my family.”

Zuri's sweet smile remained. “Well. . .Dante already has a family, but he is open for employment. Only.”

I grinned.

Anthony blinked. “Is he now?”

“I will be sending a proposal over to your office after the holidays.”

“Send it over sooner than that. Tomorrow morning would be ideal.”

Zuri eyed Anthony. “You're eager to work with him?”

“Very.” Anthony dove his hands in his pockets. “To the point where anything you put on that proposal will surely be met with a yes.”

Zuri laughed. “Trust me. I would read the proposal before saying that.”

Anthony gave me a respectful nod. “Now I see why you raced out of your condo nights ago.”

I quirked my brows.

“This is the type of woman you hold onto.” Anthony looked down and smiled at Carmen. “Did you have a great Christmas?”

“The best!”

“Do you like cookies?”

“I love them.”

“Then, you might enjoy playing with my kids. I'll send them over.”

Although Carmen got closer to Zuri, she nodded.

Zuri smiled. “Thank you, Anthony.”

With that, Anthony excused himself, merging back into the swirl of the party.

However, for me, it was clear from their exchange that both Anthony and Zuri would be playing vital roles in my life, each protective and caring in their own right.

Yeah. . .for some reason. . .I think I can trust him.

Zuri's gaze lingered on Anthony for a moment before turning back to me. There was a thoughtful expression on her face, one that spoke of consideration and careful analysis.

I eyed her. “So, what do you think of him?”

“First impression is good, Dante,” she admitted. “But I still need time to really decide. It's not just about how charming someone is at a party.”

I couldn't help but chuckle at her measured response. “Just wait until you hear him sing. That'll definitely sway you.”

“I'll keep that in mind.” Zuri chuckled and squeezed my hand.

“Either way,” I kissed her cheek. “Take all the time you need. It's important that you feel comfortable with my working with him, especially considering everything we've been through.”

Zuri's expression softened. “I love you, baby.”

Two women rushed over and began talking to Zuri. Apparently, she knew them from church.

While they chatted, I took in the party, noting everything.

The air was filled with the melodious hum of conversations and laughter, a symphony of genuine connections that resonated through the grand hall.

I spotted members of Viper Mob, their spouses, and children mingling effortlessly together.

There was a true sense of unity.

Children's laughter echoed through the ballroom. Their small feet padded across the polished floors as they chased each other.

Carmen watched and then got behind Zuri's leg as if too nervous to be seen by the big kids.

Crimson Mob never did anything like this.

These families interacted so openly, without the shadow of danger lurking in their midst.

It was both refreshing and eye-opening.

The aroma of rich, festive food wafted from the dining area, mingling with the subtle notes of pine and the sweet scent of holiday treats. It created an atmosphere that was inviting and homely, and a far cry from the sterile, guarded gatherings of the Crimson Mob.