But Anthony didn't get rid of me. Surely, he could have poisoned my burger or had this car triggered with bombs.

All types of things.

But as the chauffer drove us off, I knew I was safe.

Maybe. . .I can trust him.

I leaned back, allowing myself a moment to enjoy the calm.

My attention then turned to the new phone Anthony had provided—the latest model, sleek, and efficient.


I powered it on.

The screen lit up, revealing just two contacts like Anthony had said.

The first was labeled My Best Friend.

There, Anthony's smiling face greeted me.

Against my will, a grin spread across my face.

I went to the second contact, labeled My Lady.

Let's see if he has the right number.

I tapped on it, placed it by my ear, and waited.

The line connected.

Zuri's voice was cautious. “Hello?”

Warmth spread across my body. “I hope I'm not calling too late.”

She shrieked, “Are you okay? I've been up all night worried and going crazy—”

“I'm fine, baby.”

“Did you get shot or—”

“Shot at, but not hit—”

“What do you mean? Are you—”

“I'm coming over.”

Zuri's breath hitched. “You're coming over?”

“Yeah, I'm on my way to Paradise City right now. I'll be there soon.” I gazed out of the window and spotted the glowing moon in the dark sky. “Is that okay?”

“Are you sure you're fine?”

“It's over, Zuri. All of it.”

Her voice grew shaky. “No more. . .Francesca?”

“And no more Crimson Mob.”

There was silence on the other end of the line. I waited patiently, knowing that Zuri was processing my words.

Soon, she let out a long breath. “Come home, Dante.”


The line went silent, but my smile grew bigger and bigger.

Chapter 20

Midnight Madness

After the smooth ride into the city and receiving an inviting welcome from Zuri's condo building doorman, I rode the elevator up and found myself at her front door, eager to have her in my arms.

I gently knocked, and excitement rushed within my chest.

The wait felt like an eternity. Each second stretched out longer than the last.

Then, I heard the sound of her footsteps approaching from the other side.

The lock clicked open.

The door swung inward, and there she was, standing before me.


Zuri was dressed in a lace green dress with spaghetti straps. The fabric clung to her in all the right places. Not only did the deep green dress complement her dark brown skin, it showed off her cleavage in the most tantalizing way.

Her dreadlocks were pulled back into a stylish bun.

For a moment, I was speechless, caught off guard by her beauty.

If she thinks I'm leaving here without fucking her tonight, then she's gone crazy.

Meanwhile, her expression, etched with worry. Instead of giving a big greeting, she assessed me as if needing to make sure I was okay by her standards.

“I'm fine, Zuri.” I smirked. “No bullet holes. No stab wounds. Not even a scratch.”

Her voice was barely a whisper. “I was scared that I might have lost you. . .again.”

“You didn't.”

In an unexpected movement, she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around me.

“Zuri. . .”

“Asshole. Don't do that again.” Her body trembled against mine. “No more revenge.”

“No more.”

She hugged me harder, squeezing my waist with those little arms. And then. . .she released all the pent-up emotions, the fear, and probably relief that she had been holding back.

“Asshole.” She cried.

I dropped the bags just inside the doorway and held Zuri tighter.

Her tears soaked the front of my shirt.

The presents lay forgotten.

And I felt my own resolve cracking. “I promise you, baby. You will never have to fear for me like that again.”

Her sobs gradually subsided, turning into quiet sniffles as she clung to me.

We stood there, in the doorway.

Two souls intertwined.

This was what life was truly about.

Not the battles fought in the shadows, but the love and connections forged in the light.

When she finally pulled back, her gaze met mine. Emotion swirled in those gorgeous brown eyes. “And what about mentally, Dante?”


“You're physically fine, but mentally. . .. How are you?”

“I'm fine.”

“You ended the life of someone you deeply cared about.”

“No, Zuri.” I shook my head. “When Francesca took me from you. . .all caring for her ended.”

Zuri left my hold. “Still, you may need to talk to somebody.”

I groaned in annoyance.


“I don't need to talk to anybody, but I do need some pussy.”

She widened her eyes. “Excuse me?”

I picked up the bags, stepped inside, and closed the door behind me. “I need your pussy, Zuri. Your sweet, beautiful pussy—”

“Dante.” She checked over her shoulder as if my cursing might have woken up Carmen. “You can't just roll up in the middle of the night expecting sex due to bringing presents—”

“And surviving an epic gun fight.”

She blinked. “Anyway. Are you sure you're okay?”

“I am.” I placed the bags by the Christmas tree. “Well. . .”


“Besides the needing your pussy part.”


A dark chuckle left me as I pointed to the top bag. “I brought Foxie Cherry.”