“That’s a lot of soles, Daddy.”

I chuckled softly. “It means Mr. Scrooge was the only person who took care of everything after Marly passed away. And he was the only one really close to him.”

“Oh.” She yawned. “But why didn’t Marly have more friends?”

“Like Scrooge, he was a man who cared a lot about money and not so much about people.”

Carmen rubbed her eyes and snuggled closer to Bunny B. “I’m glad you’re not like Mr. Scrooge, Daddy.”

“Me too.” A swell of emotion hit me.

I continued reading, and with each sentence, Carmen’s eyelids grew heavier.

The room became quiet, save for the gentle sound of my voice and the occasional turn of a page.

After a while, Carmen’s eyelids fluttered as she fought against the pull of sleep.

She’ll be out soon.

I almost told her to sit up, just to keep this moment going on longer.

However, as the story of Ebenezer Scrooge unfolded, Carmen’s state of wakefulness gradually gave way to the land of dreams. Her breathing became deep and even.

Then, soon she was fast asleep.

That’s my daughter.

Closing the book quietly, I watched her for a moment. It was still shocking to realize that I was now a father. Zuri and I made something so perfect. So special.

Carmen’s face was serene in sleep.

Gently, I tucked the blanket around Carmen, careful not to wake her.

Now what?

I quietly put the book back on the shelf and picked up my jacket off the floor, considering what would happen next.

Surely, Zuri would want me to leave, and Anthony was probably out in the car, freezing and exhausted from singing a thousand songs while waiting for me.

I blinked, remembering that my entire mission for today had been to destroy Crimson Mob.

And now. . .

All I yearned to do was make a real cup of hot tea, lounge next to Zuri, and drown in those gorgeous eyes.

It’s too soon for that. Plus, I have to deal with Francesca.

Now, the battle that lay ahead would be fierce, filled with even more risks and sacrifices.

I put on my coat and slowly closed the door.

Here we go.

Now, I knew that I was fighting Crimson Mob for something greater than my revenge.

In fact, revenge no longer burned on my mind.

Fuck all of that.

Killing the Red Widow and her disloyal crew was now about fighting for my new family and for the chance to build a future together with them.

If Zuri will let me. . .

Chapter 12

Green with Envy

I stepped quietly into the hallway with Carmen’s peaceful face etched in my mind.

However, my heart was restless, and drawn to Zuri.

I don’t want to say goodbye.

Frowning, I put on my shoes and headed down the hallway.

The sound of my footsteps echoed through the empty hallway, making it seem longer than it was.

Sighing, I tried to get rid of the restless feeling, but it only grew stronger with each step I took.

As I turned the corner, the sight of Zuri in the kitchen arrested me. She moved with an effortless grace, each motion fluid as she placed spaghetti into a small plastic bowl and then put the matching top over it, sealing away the meal.

The warm glow of the setting sun streamed through the window, bathing her brown skin in golden light.

Despite the years, she was as captivating as ever. Time and motherhood had only enhanced her beauty.

The curved contours of her body were familiar yet new to me. That green dress hugged that frame just right.

Doing my best to ignore those damn roses Alonzo had bought her; I walked by them and entered the small kitchen.

Earlier the sink had been empty. Now a dirtied pot and spoon lay in there.

I went that way.

Zuri looked up with surprise. “Did she fall asleep?”

“Yeah, she drifted off before the Ghost of Christmas Past showed up.”

“Your favorite ghost.”

Stunned, I glanced over my shoulder. “You still remember that?”

“You made me watch the movie a day after Thanksgiving and kept shouting out the lines before they even happened.”

I grinned. “It added flavor to the scenes.”

“I don’t know about that.”

The memory was vivid in my mind—us, younger, carefree, wrapped up in the warmth of our shared laughter. “You were so annoyed at first, but then you got into it.”

“That’s not exactly what happened.” That lovely laugh left her.


But then, as quickly as it came, her laughter faded, and she grew silent.

I tensed.

Sighing, she turned away slightly, and focused back on the little plastic bowl of spaghetti. It was as if she had let her guard down for a moment, only to quickly rebuild it.

Give her time.

I turned the faucet on, let the warm water fill the pot, and then I reached for the dishwashing liquid. As soon as I poured some in, suds formed quickly under my hands.

Zuri spoke, “Dante, you don’t need to help. I’ve got it.”

“It’s no trouble. I want to do this.” I gazed her way. “Let me.”